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3rd Person POV


The small yet ferocious child from Martyrdom climbs out of bed, tendrils twitching behind him. He makes sure the other child in the room is asleep, then hurries over to the window. He opens it slowly and quietly, occasionally glancing at the small bundle of bones in the other bed on the opposite side of the room.

The child stumbles out of the window and lands in a bush, wincing and glancing around quickly. He's not supposed to be out here, but who wants to wait another six months to look around when he could do it now?


Shattered's tendrils snap behind him as he sees his roommate, Raspberry, poke his head out the window, blinking sleepily.

"What are you doing?" Shattered hisses.

"What are you doing?" The small child climbs out of the window. "We're not supposed to be sneaking out of camp. It'll make our parents mad."

"Tch, do I look like I care?" Shattered rolls his eye light. "Go back to bed. I'm not going far."

"I'm coming with you."

"You just said we're not supposed to be out here."

"If you get in trouble, I'll get in trouble with you."

Shattered doesn't understand why anyone would be so loyal to him. He narrows his socket and growls. "Go."

Rasp looks up at Shattered defiantly. "We stick together, Shattered. Forever. We're friends, aren't we? And friends stick together."

Shattered's eye socket widens slightly. "...You'd really get in trouble with me just because we're friends? Our apprentice ceremony might get pushed back because of this. You'd risk that just for me?"

"Of course." He grabs Shattered's hand and gives him a goofy, mischievous grin. "Now let's go check out the Dynamic border!"

Shattered grins, and the two children head for the river that marks the Dynamic-Martyrdom border as the moon rises higher in the sky.


"Shattered, Raspberry, step forward."

Shattered steps up towards his leader, Quetzalcoatl, and Rasp follows warily.

"You two have reached six years of age." He says, his snake tail twitching behind him. Nightmare, the clan deputy, is at his side, and he looks rather annoyed that Shattered and Rasp are becoming apprentices. Shattered hopes he doesn't get Nightmare as a mentor; he hates the Martyrdom deputy with a passion. "Mafia, G, come here."

Mafia and G walk up. G looks a little surprised, as if he didn't think he'd ever get to mentor someone.

"G, you will be Raspberry's mentor." Quetz says. G narrows his eye sockets but nods. "I trust you will pass down your knowledge and your strength to this young apprentice."

"I will." G doesn't bother to pull Rasp close to him like every mentor does with their apprentice. Rasp glances around nervously at G's lack of enthusiasm, and he looks at the ground as if he had done something wrong. Shattered wants to slap G for how rude he's being.

"Mafia, you will be Shattered's mentor." Quetz looks at Mafia. Mafia nods and looks at Shattered, pulling the apprentice close to him. "I trust you will pass down your strength and patience to this young apprentice."

"I will, boss." Mafia says clearly. He doesn't seem very enthused either, but he seems more accepting of Quetz's choices than G is. G looks so unhappy, having to deal with Rasp for the next six years. Shattered's tendrils are stiff, as if he's trying to hold back from stabbing G.

The Rogue Rebellion [Nightmare!Sans x Reader] [[SEQUEL TO FORBIDDEN]]Where stories live. Discover now