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"How are you feeling, Y/N?" Lav asks me as I swallow some herbs.

"Much better." I reply. "Is it alright if I go for a walk?"

He thinks about this for a minute. "I suppose it'd be alright. Just don't go too far, and don't stay out for too long."

"Alright." I say. "Thanks."

"If you see the dusk patrol, could you send them home? They've been gone for a while."

I nod. "Yeah. I will."

"Thank you."

I leave the room, only to pause when I hear someone say my name. I see Swad limping downstairs, his uninjured wing waving to draw my attention. He hurries over to me, and I stare at him. "What is it, Swad?"

"Glad to see you're out of there." He chuckles, wincing as he stretches his injured wing.

"Oh. Yeah. I'm just going for a little walk."

"Can I tag along?" He gives me a smirk.

"Don't try anything." I say, then head towards the front door.

"As if." He says, giving me a teasing nudge as he follows me outside. The snow is melted, and spring is on its way. Can't say I'm enthused, though. As tough as winter is, I'm just not a spring/summer person. I prefer the cool temperatures of fall and winter. Plut, when it gets cold in camp, it's an excuse to cuddle with Nightmare.

Speaking of, I haven't been spending enough time with him recently. Ever since getting sick, he's been so busy with Bell and patrols and hunting, and I haven't gotten the chance to see him, since I've been stuck in Lav's room. He really only came to check up on me once a day, and that wasn't for very long. I've gotten so close to Malevolence that anyone would think we actually are siblings, and since Swad got stuck in there again because of his injuries, I got to know him better as well, except he kept sneaking off to keep Nightmare company. That should've been my job. I just didn't want to get him sick.

"So..." Swad says as we walk through the forest. "Do you think the rogues are gone for good?"

"Hopefully." I say. "They've caused too much trouble."

"Yeah." He winces, then sighs. "...What if they never leave?"

"They will if we make it clear enough that they don't belong here."

"Yeah, but... I dunno, what if they're determined to destroy the clans? I mean... Ash seems... Really determined."

"We haven't seen them since the battle, which has been almost an entire moon, Swad." I say. "I think they're gone. And if they aren't, then we should drive them off once we're all healed."

"...Maybe." He suddenly stops.

"Swad? Is everything alright?"

"Y-Yeah." He looks at the ground. "I'm alright."

I walk over to him and grab his hand. "What's wrong?"

He sits down on the ground, and so do I. "I just... I feel so alone, you know? Like.. I know what you said. My clanmates care about me, and now Nightmare cares, and you care, but... Is it wrong that I just want someone to love me? I crave that connection that you and Nightmare have, but... No one wants that with me..."

I rub his shoulder gently. "You'll find the right person one day, Swad. I know you will."

He lies on his back and lets out a soft chuckle. "Do you think there's another timeline where you and I are actually together?"

The Rogue Rebellion [Nightmare!Sans x Reader] [[SEQUEL TO FORBIDDEN]]Where stories live. Discover now