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"HII!" I wave, running forward as I see Shattered and Raspberry step out of the bushes. They seem to be on patrol. Nightmare has to wrap a tendril around my neck to keep me from falling into the river. "How are you guys?"

"We're-" Rasp starts of kindly, then looks at G. He narrows his eye sockets and growls, and Rasp turns back to me, a not so friendly look in his eye lights now. "What do you want?"

"I just want to know how you guys are settling back into Martyrdom." I say, cocking my head at him.

"We're doing fine." He growls. "N-Now if you'll excuse us, we have a- A patrol go get back to." He's trying to act cold, but the way his voice wavers reveals he seems more scared than angry.

"Rasp?" I step forward until the water is lapping at my feet. "What's wrong?"

"Y/N..." Nightmare tries to pull me back, a warning tone to his voice. "Just leave them alone."

Rasp turns away, and the rest of the patrol follows. My shoulders sink, and I look at the ground. "...What did I do wrong?"

"Perhaps they're just trying to get back to normal." Nightmare says kindly, cupping my cheek in his hand. "Or maybe they're trying to prove their loyalty to their clan, which means they can't have friendships in other clans."


"Come on." He wraps an arm around me and pulls me away from the river. "Let's hunt for a little, hm?"


Rasp POV


"How was the patrol?" Killer asks as we all enter the camp.

G turns to me, and I take a deep breath. "It went well. No signs of the rogues or any trouble from either clan." I don't tell him about the little encounter we had with Y/N.

Killer had told me it was time I lead a patrol, and G was not happy with that decision, so I knew I needed to be the best warrior I could be in front of him. When we walked up on Y/N and Nightmare, and she seemed to happy to see Shattered and me, it hurt so much to have to turn away without a word, but I couldn't let G think I'm loyal to Dynamic.

"Good." Killer nods.

"Rasp..." G mutters through gritted teeth, sending a chill down my spine. "Can I see you in your room?"

"I- I-" I freeze. "...Yes."

He follows me up to my room, then slams the door shut. The look he gives me tells me I did something wrong, I though I can't put my finger on what it is.

"Are you loyal to this clan or not?" He snaps, grabbing me by the collar of my shirt and pulling me up so I'm at his eye level.

"O-Of course I am!" My voice shakes, fear replacing all other emotions inside me.

"You're still friendly with Dynamic." He growls lowly.

"No I'm not!"

"If I hadn't of been there, you would've started talking like a bunch of apprentices at a Gathering." He snarls, dropping me and shoving me. I stumble backwards and crash into my desk with a cry of pain.

"I-I'm sorry-!" I feel tears in my eye sockets, and despite my attempts, I can't blink them away, and they drip down my cheekbones, making me look even more pathetic than I already am. "It's just, I- I was trying to be nice! It's not that I'm still friends with them! I swear! My loyalty is to Martyrdom and Martyrdom only!"

The Rogue Rebellion [Nightmare!Sans x Reader] [[SEQUEL TO FORBIDDEN]]Where stories live. Discover now