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The forest is a mess. Blood stains the ground, making it sticky and uncomfortably moist, and the whole clearing where we fought reeks of death. Dust mixes with the blood, making it a disgusting, dark reddish-grey powder on the ground, and mixed with the small amount of snow, it's like slush. But the rogues are gone, and we won. I'm not sure how many of our clanmates survived, though. 

We regroup in the center of the clearing, both Dynamic and Cataclysm. Malevolence has obviously seen better days. Soap, Lax, Sci, and Regret are nowhere to be seen, and then I notice the small amount of Nihilism warriors. I realize that, in the middle of the battle, a patrol must've arrived to help, but it's only Apathy and Mettaton. I don't know who came to the battle, but I know some Nihilism warrior lost their life today.

"I-Is this everyone?" Dream whispers, his voice hoarse as he rips a bone out of his shoulder, letting out a weak cry of pain. Nightmare rushes to his side, supporting his small brother. "I-I'm alright, Nightmare..."

"Lax is dead." Nightmare says. "I don't know where Sci and Soap are."

I see Sympathy in the crowd, his expression solemn and full of grief. I can't tell if that's because he lost one of his clanmates, or if it's just the amount of sadness radiating from everyone that's making him sad as well. Perhaps it's both.

Dust walks up to the group, his face hidden by the hood. "Regret is dead." I see his hands are coated with dust, and I don't know if it's rogue dust or Regret's dust. "I just watched him die." His voice cracks, and he walks over to Horror, who's bleeding from several cuts on his skull, but otherwise seems alright. The large warrior hugs his partner gently, and I look to Sympathy, who's just staring blankly ahead. Since he's soulless, he can't feel grief like a normal person can, but even so, he always looks full of life. Now his eye lights are a dull shade of their usual color, and he seems even smaller than before. Regret was his partner, and I remember how happy they were together at Gatherings. I can't imagine what he's thinking.

"Thank you for your-" Dream coughs as he looks to Apathy and Mettaton. "Your aid. I don't think we could've won without you."

"Of course, darling." Mettaton replies, but his voice lacks the usual glamour.

"Monochrome and Gin didn't make it." Apathy murmurs. "Gin gave up his life for him, and then Monochrome dusted a few moments later..."

Dream's shoulders sink as he looks back at the group of injured, messy warriors. "I'm so sorry." He whispers, his voice wavering. "I- I dragged you all into this... And because of me, you lost several good warriors, I-" He lets out a soft sob. "This is my fault..."

"No it's not." Nightmare replies firmly but gently as he rubs Dream's back. "If Si hadn't distracted me, maybe they'd still be alive."

"Don't blame yourself, brother.."

"I'm not. I'm blaming Ash, because it's his fault our warriors are dead." Nightmare clenches his fists. "It's Ash's fault he won't let go of some stupid grudge. Do not blame yourself for his anger, brother. He took action, and you responded. You cannot blame yourself for that. These warriors knew they might not survive. They sacrificed their lives for their clan. They died a true warrior's death, and we'll never forget them. This is not your fault."

Dream murmurs a quiet thank you, and then Bird comes out of the bushes, carrying Soap's limp body in his arms. Blood stains the side of his face from several cuts, and I see a bone through Soap's sternum.

"SOAP!" I cry out, running towards Bird. He sets her down on the ground as Lav and Ccino rush towards us. Chilli- who has been sitting nearby silently- trots over, sniffing Soap gently. "S-Soap. Soap please..."

The Rogue Rebellion [Nightmare!Sans x Reader] [[SEQUEL TO FORBIDDEN]]Where stories live. Discover now