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"Guys, they're back!"

The rogues gather around Phantom, Si, and me as we enter the barn, asking a bunch of questions, most of which are about Owl.

"Where's Owl?" Anomaly asks, a dark look on his face as he twirls a knife in his hands.

"He's dead." I mutter coldly, limping over to the center of the barn and lying down. Si sits beside me, looking at me oddly.

"What-?" Anomaly blinks. "He's dead?"

"Somni killed him." I roll onto my side and pull my knees up to my chest. Owl's been by my side since the beginning, and while he was the biggest coward I've ever met, he was always there.

"Ash." Phantom limps up to me, light blue blood dripping from his left eye socket. "We can't sit back and hide in misery. We need to strike. We've been silent for too long. Taking Shattered was meant to be a warning. Instead, we let him get taken from us, making us look weak."

"We've lost too many." I sit up and glare at him. "All of the people we lost in the battle with Nihilism, Hollow, Owl..."

Wolf walks up, his bow around his chest. "I know we've lost a lot, but between all of us, we could take down a clan, Ash. If you want to avenge your brother, you can't just give up because of a few losses.

"Look at us, Ash!" Phantom laughs despite the wound on his sternum. He spreads his arms, gesturing to the gathering rogues. "We're stronger than those fools. I know we've lost a lot of important people. No one would ever replace Owl or Hollow. But we can win, Ash."

"He's right." Switch walks up to him. "We can win. We strike when they aren't expecting it. We should make them think we've given up."

I stare at the rogues, wondering why they'd ever follow me blindly into battle when I don't even know what I want. I sigh, then look at Si, who looks determined. There's a look in her eyes I can't decipher, but it feeds the small spark inside of me, and I stand up. I pull my gun out and cock it, twirling it in my hand. My gang members' eye lights light up, and I see Diamonas grin in the back.

"The night after the next Gathering," I say, "is when we strike. We'll destroy Dynamic once and for all."


Rasp POV


"Guys, I hear something." Shattered growls, stopping the patrol. His tendril flicks towards some bushes, and he creeps up slowly. "Rasp, go behind it. I'll chase it towards you."

I take a deep breath, fully away of G's eyes on me as I sneak up on the prey in the bushes from behind. It's completely unaware of Shattered or me until Shattered lunges at it. The squirrel's tail shoots up, and it bolts for the tree I'm standing in front of. I dive for it, but I stumble over a pinecone, and the squirrel escapes. I stand back up and brush the dirt off me, unable to meet the rest of the patrol's gazes.

"...I'm sorry." I mumble. "I tripped, I-"

"It's alright." Shattered walks over and kisses my skull, giving a glare at G, then at Mafia.

Mafia just shrugs. "It's alright, kid. We all make mistakes. It's one squirrel. We'll live." He turns. "Come on, let's check the Dynamic border. Maybe there'll be something over there, a sparrow or somethin'."

He sticks a cigarette into his jaws as he walks off. G follows, and maybe Shattered misses the cold glare he gives me, but I don't. I flinch and look away as if he had just hit me.

The Rogue Rebellion [Nightmare!Sans x Reader] [[SEQUEL TO FORBIDDEN]]Where stories live. Discover now