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Tonight is the half-moon meeting, and Shattered has yet to return. Lav has already left to meet with the other Healers at the Moonpool, and Rasp has gone from scared to pissed to terrified for Shattered. He hasn't left my side, since I've kind of the only person giving him sympathy. Apart from the Healers, Dream, Soap, and Hana, I guess. Nightmare's a little ticked off because Rasp insists on sleeping in my room; when he sleeps, that is. He doesn't sleep much. He sleeps at the foot of my bed with a single blanket, insisting that he doesn't want to be alone but doesn't want to take up much space. He's no longer hotheaded or snappy, but instead he's constantly apologizing for everything he does, even when he doesn't need to. 

Nightmare pulls me against him as Rasp comes into the room. He shuts the door and curls up at the edge of the bed, sniffling.

"Rasp?" I whisper, climbing out of Nightmare's arms, which makes him growl. "What's wrong?"

"H-He still isn't here..." Rasp whispers, then climbs onto my lap and hugs me like a frightened apprentice. I hug him back and rub his spine gently, whispering comforting things to him as Nightmare glares at me.

"I'm sure he's alright." I murmur, squeezing him softly. "He's a strong warrior, Rasp."

He lets out a quiet sob, and I wrap the blanket around him. I grab a pillow from under Nightmare, then lies Rasp down on the pillow. I stroke his skull for a few moments as his eye sockets close, and his breathing gets slower as he falls asleep. I crawl back over to Nightmare, who's growling softly.

"Nightmare..." I sigh, resting my head on his shoulder. "Have a little bit of sympathy, please."

"He's being pathetic." Nightmare whispers.

"I'd be the same way if you were taken." I look up at him. "I was the same way when you were taken." I chuckle. "Once a pathetic whelp, always a pathetic whelp, huh?"

He tenses. "...I didn't- I didn't mean that..."

"It's ok." I whisper, stroking his sternum. "I'm just teasing you." I giggle and snuggle against him. "Besides, it's not really an insult anymore. I kind of like it."

He snorts and kisses the top of my head, then looks back at Rasp. "I just wish he'd cling to someone that isn't you."

"He just misses Shattered." I sigh.

"Can't he miss Shattered without being glued to your side?"

Suddenly, Rasp stirs. He sits up wordlessly, his shoulders sinking, and he stands.

"Rasp?" I blink. "Where are you going?"

"...I'm sorry for being so annoying." He mumbles.

"Hey, Raps, wait-" I say. "You aren't being annoying."

"Nightmare thinks so."

"Come back. Please." I crawl out of Nightmare's arms as Rasp sits down on the bed, and I hug him again. "You aren't being annoying, Rasp."

"...I've been nothing but a pain in the ass for you..." He mutters.

"No you haven't." I rub his shoulder gently. "Go back to sleep. Please."

He sniffles and lies back down, curling up with his back to Nightmare and me. I rub his skull for a moment as he falls back into sleep.

"You should apologize." I say to Nightmare as I lay back down beside him. "He isn't doing anything wrong."

Nightmare huffs and pulls me against him. "Fine. If it'll make you happy."

I kiss his cheek. "Thank you, hun."

The Rogue Rebellion [Nightmare!Sans x Reader] [[SEQUEL TO FORBIDDEN]]Where stories live. Discover now