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Shattered POV


"Hey, wake up."

Someone gently shakes me, and I open my eye socket with a soft, sleepy groan. I stare up at Valient, who has some type of meat in her hands. Somni is by the fire, poking it with a stick and grumbling.

"Eat, and if you're feeling better, we'll leave." She says.

I take the food from her and bite into it. It's tender and tastes kind of like chicken. "Thank you." I mumble.

Somni looks up, sees that I'm awake, then hurries over to me. He examines my ribs as I eat the food Valient gave me, then nods to himself before going back over to the fire. I stare at him, confused.


"He does this." Valient says. "He's just lost in thought."

Somni smacks the fire with a stick, and I blink. He turns his head towards Valient and I like an owl, and I flinch. Then he scurries back over and flops down on Valient's lap with a sigh.

"We should be able to make it by the full moon." He mumbles, burying his face in her thigh.

"You alright, Somni?" She asks, stroking his skull.

"Yeah, fine, why do you ask?" He mutters. "Just suffering from lack of sleep, lack of food, more lack of sleep..."

"Maybe we should wait a day."

"No, I'll be fine." He huffs and rolls onto his back. "Gotta get the alternate me over to his boyfriend." He rolls his eye light. "I get to save the day. Again." Under his breath, he adds, "fuck my life."

I look at the ground awkwardly. "...We can wait for you to rest..."

"No, it's fine, kid." He sits back up. "I'm just suffering from seasonal insanity."


"His term for 'help me I'm going insane because of the cold weather'." Valient explains.

"It's too cold." He grumbles, hugging her. I notices he's shivering slightly.

"So use your wings, you big bird." She nuzzles his skull affectionately.

Suddenly, Somni's head snaps up. There's a strange look in his eyes, and he slowly turns his head. The way it turns like an owl's head makes me flinch again, but then my socket widens as I see Ash with Owl, Si, and Phantom standing at the head of the cave.

"I finally found your guys' hideout." Ash says, looking around with a mocking look in his eye lights. "It's certainly something."

Somni summons a glowing yellow chain with sparking daggers at each end, like Swad's weapon, and he starts giggling insanely. Valient holds him back, hissing something in his ear, and he strains in her grasp, trying to get to Ash.

"Y'know, it's funny." Ash chuckles as he looks at me. "Your partner is so worried about you, but you don't seem like you're in a hurry to get back home."

"He's resting because of what you did to him, shit ass." Valient growls, then pins Somni to the ground. "Shut it, you crazy bird. Killing him won't do anything."

"Actually, it'd do a lot of things." I say. "His rogues would probably scatter, and it'd be better for everyone."

Valient narrows her eyes but says nothing.

"You can't kill me." Ash says as Phantom readies a bottle. Si swings her chain around, and Owl slides a knife out of his pocket.

"I bet we could." Valient says.

The Rogue Rebellion [Nightmare!Sans x Reader] [[SEQUEL TO FORBIDDEN]]Where stories live. Discover now