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I haul myself out of bed, surprised when I don't see Nightmare anywhere in the room. He's usually up at this time, but he always stays beside me until I wake up. I let out a soft grunt as I stand. I stretch my arms and walk slowly out of Lav's room, then spot Nightmare in the living room organizing patrols or something.

He catches my eye instantly and hurries over. "What are you doing out of bed?"

"Waking up?" I suppress a sigh as he ushers me over to the couch and helps me sit. It's like he thinks I'm made of glass. "Nightmare, I'm fine-"

"I'm just making sure you're comfortable." He props my feet up, and I glare at him. "Do you want some breakfast?"

"I can get it."

"I'm already up, I'll-"

"I'll get it." I try to stand up, but he pushes me back down. "Nightmare-"

"Let her do it, Nightmare." Hana's amused voice comes from my right, and I see her walking over to us slowly. "She needs to stretch her legs every now and then. Walking from the kitchen and back won't kill her. She's pregnant, not dying."

"I just don't want her to overdo it." Nightmare says. "I'll get you some breakfast, darling."

I sigh as he walks back into the kitchen. Hana sits down beside me as her daughters run to their mentors. Rose hurries to Affection, and they leave with Thistle to go on patrol, and I see Bush asking Lavender a bunch of questions.

"He's a handful, huh?" Hana says with a soft chuckle.

"He thinks I'm made of glass." I grumble. "I know he's just worried, but he's acting like I'm the first woman to ever give birth."

"All fathers do that." Hana squeezes my hand. "It's in their blood. You just have to put up with it."

"For how long?" I cross my arms. "I can only handle so much of his protectiveness until it gets annoying."

"He's just worried." She says soothingly. "You can't be mad at him."

"I'm not." I let out an exasperated sigh. "I love him, I just wish he would let me get my own breakfast."

"It's normal father behavior. You should be glad he's doing this. If he wasn't, I'd be concerned." She smiles. "Thistle was the same way. All men are the same, acting like you're the first person to give birth. Trust me, the moment you go into labor, he'll be out the door not wanting to be anywhere near you."

I chuckle. "Why's that?"

"You saw how I was." She gives me a tired grin. "Thistle probably left so I wouldn't claw his arm off."

"Well, you had twins, so it was probably more painful."

"Yup." She smiles. "Be glad he's protective, Y/N. I know it's irritating sometimes, especially when you get cramps and all you want to do is walk them off and he won't let you, but he's doing it because he loves you. He's just protective."

"I know." I take a deep breath. "And I love him for it. But I mean, I was shot twice and I survived, and he thinks I can't handle being pregnant?"

"Y/N, being pregnant is so much worse." She laughs.

"Well, yeah, but still."

I look up when I see Nightmare coming back into the room with a plate of bacon and eggs. He sits beside me and wraps an arm around my shoulders as I start eating.

"Thank you." I say, leaning into him.

"Of course, darling." He kisses the top of my head gently.

"It's so hard to believe there was a time when you two were from different clans." Hana says. "I feel like Nightmare's been part of Dynamic all his life." She chuckles. "It's hard to believe I've been around all his life. Gosh, I'm, what, almost sixty now?"

The Rogue Rebellion [Nightmare!Sans x Reader] [[SEQUEL TO FORBIDDEN]]Where stories live. Discover now