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I hear the battle before I see it. The sound of yelling and blade against blade or bone against bone hits me as we approach the Nihilism border. We burst out of the trees and into chaos. All of Ash's gang is here, and my clanmates aren't doing so well. Several of the warriors Shattered led to the battle jump in to protect their clanmates, while Warden, Soap, and I stay back, waiting for the perfect moment to join the fight.

A pain-filled snarl rings through the air. It sounds like Malevolence. I see him fighting Phantom and Diamonas near the side of the river. Phantom's acid coats his right arm and part of his chest, and a tendril is impaling his ankle, but despite how much pain he's in, there's a certain fury in his eyes, and he keeps fighting. I hurry over to help him as Phantom readies another bottle, but before I reach him, Rasp lunges for Phantom, and the bottle hits his skull instead. Rasp lets out an agonizing shriek, and I quickly hurry over. Thistle takes on Dia and Lax takes Phantom as I help Rasp and down into the water.

"Rasp." I grip his shoulders, trying to wipe the acidic liquid off of his skull without getting it on me. "Listen to me. I need you to go under the water, alright?"

He manages to nod, tears streaming down his face. He sinks his entire body into the water and comes back up a few seconds later, panting. He's shaking violently, but he doesn't seem to be in pain anymore.

"Do you need a minute?" I ask.

He takes several deep breaths, then shakes his head. "N-No, I'll be fine."

"Alright." I help him back up, and he goes for Wolf, who's attacking Shattered. I stand there for a few moments, thinking I can take a moment before fighting again, but then someone barrels into me and I crash to the ground. I look up and into a single, glowing red eye light as I feel the blade of a cleaver press against my neck, slightly drawing blood.

"Fresh meat..." He chuckles, his voice low and raspy.

I grunt and kick him off me, summoning a spear to hold him back. He just chuckles, an insane look in his sockets as he tries to get close to me, but the spear keeps him back, and eventually, he stops. He gazes at me oddly, then pulls his arm back and throws his cleaver at me. I hiss in pain as is slits my skin on my arm. It clatters to the ground, and I use the blunt end of my spear to shove him back into the water. He growls and climbs out, then runs off to who knows where.

Something shatters on my back, and I turn to see Phantom grinning at me. As Malevolence launches himself at him, agony spreads through my back, and I drop to my knees. I try to tell myself it isn't fatal, but it hurts so much I wish it was.

"Y/N!" Nightmare snarls, running at me. He picks me up and carries me down to the river, and when the water makes contact with my back, the pain starts to fade. "You alright?"

I wipe the tears from my eyes and take several deep breaths. "I- I didn't realize that hurt so much... But yes. I'm alright."

"Good." He helps me stand. "I can't see Si or Ash anywhere, and those are the two we need to get rid of the most." He growls. "I think they're hiding. Cowards."

I hear a pain-filled cry come from Soap, and I hurry back into battle. I locate her fighting Anomaly and Switch all by herself. Chilli is nowhere to be seen.

"Soap!" I yell, running for her. I summon a glowing S/C chain and wrap it around Anomaly's neck, yanking him away from the small warrior. I snarl a curse at him and Nightmare starts to fight him so he can't go back to attacking Soap. My chain turns to two daggers and I lunge at Switch. He grunts and turns on me as I tell Soap to run, and she quickly hurries off into the bushes. Switch's blade arm makes contact with my cheek, and I hiss in pain as blood trickles from the wound. I manage to stab his wrist, but it doesn't really do much.

The Rogue Rebellion [Nightmare!Sans x Reader] [[SEQUEL TO FORBIDDEN]]Where stories live. Discover now