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Nightmare POV


I don't know where I am. It's rainy and cold and my entire body seems to hurt, though I have no wounds. I can hear voices, but I don't recognize them. I'm in some sort of forest, but I don't recognize it, though I feel like I should. I walk a little ways, but I still find nothing that could tell me where I am. I feel cold, as well as a heavy sense of dread. It's like I'm holding five people on my shoulders, but those people are worry and dread, and perhaps a little bit of guilt. I don't know why I'm feeling these things.

The voices grow louder until it turns to yelling and snarling. I pick up the pace and reach an overflowing river. Several people are fighting by the riverbed. I frown, confusion growing when I see myself, as well as Silver and Slash. Malevolence and Benevolence are smaller than I remember. It suddenly hits me that I'm in Dynamic territory. I see Multiverse stagger away as Benevolence hisses at him. Multiverse hasn't been alive in decades.

I'm reliving this moment. I think. When I killed Silver.

"GET OFF MY BROTHER!" Slash draws my attention with a snarl. Small sparks of electricity fly around him, and his eye lights flare. He yanks the knife out of Killer's hand and brutally stabbs it into the Martyrdom warrior's eye socket. Killer just laughs as Slash shoves Killer off him and runs for his brother.

"Someone's protective." I sneer, but it isn't me. It's the old me. The me I used to be. Nightmare holds Silver in the air threateningly, his tendril around his neck tightly, but not tightly enough to choke Silver. "Don't you know that love is weak?" He pulls slash closer, laughing like the sadistic maniac he is, and I flinch as he slowly crushes Silver's ribs. Silver lets out a soft groan, his eye sockets fluttering shut. "It's a kill or be killed world, Slash. You stand for yourself and no one else, or you'll get killed. When you love someone, you'll get hurt when you die. It's better that you just let go of any bonds you have with anyone and work for yourself."

At some point when he was talking, he morphed into Ash, and Slash became me. The present me. The me that loves Y/N. Silver turned into Y/N, and she keeps looking at me nervously. Ash has his arm around her chest so tightly her ribs are being crushed, and I pray the baby is alright.

"Let her go." I snarl, swallowing thickly as I look into Y/N's E/C irises. Her eyes are filled with fear as Ash puts the gun to her stomach, drawing circles on her skin with a sadistic smile on his face, as if the idea of shooting the baby growing inside of her amuses him.

"Fine." Ash says, and, smirking, kicks Y/N into the river. She lets out a cry and thrashes in the water, trying to get to shore, but her wounded chest as well as being pregnant makes it extremely difficult, and she slowly floats down the river.

"Y/N!" I cry out, feeling tears slip down my cheek. I try to grab her with a tendril, but it's as if the tendrils have minds of their own now. They don't want to cooperate. They keep twitching and lunging towards Ash. I strain to grab Y/N's hand, but she's floating too far away.

"..Help.." Y/N's cry for help is strangled and weak, and her movements grow slower. She gives one more attempt to reach for me, and then hits a rock and goes unconscious. I cry out her name again as the roaring river carries her downstream. I'm tempted to jump in, but it's like something is holding me back. I watch as the heavy current carries her limp, unconscious body down the river, and I choke back tears. Ash laughs as if he's enjoying my negativity.

Suddenly, Malevolence swoops out of the sky, full grown now. He grabs Y/N in his arms and carries her to the shore. He leans over her body and gives Ash a glare. The forest goes cold as his eye lights flicker and start to smoke. He pulls out his dagger that's connected to his wrist by a chain, and he unclips it from the band on his arm. He throws it at Ash, and it just barely misses the rogue.

The Rogue Rebellion [Nightmare!Sans x Reader] [[SEQUEL TO FORBIDDEN]]Where stories live. Discover now