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"Please, just hear them out." I say, putting an arm in front of the two as Malevolence stands up, his legs shaky and his eye light flickering.

"Malevolence." Warden whispers, walking up to him and wrapping a wing around him. "Just listen."

Malevolence sits back down, his gaze locked on Rasp. Fury radiates from him, turning the room cold.

"Why have you brought them here, Y/N?" Dream asks me.

Shattered steps up before I can answer. "We left Martyrdom. Apparently G lied to Rasp about one of your warriors being on our territory, and he sent Rasp to steal prey as payback, which led to the battle at the river." He clenches his fists. "And then Rasp left. And so did I." Under his breath, he adds, "except I didn't even tell them I was leaving..."

"But why come here?"

"...Before all of this, you guys were so kind to us, and... And I had wanted to join your clan if things fell into shit at Martyrdom."

"You're a fool if you ever think Dream will let you assholes into our clan." Malevolence snarls, his eye light glowing brightly.

"Malevolence." Dream looks at the warrior kindly. "Please."

"You can't be serious." Malevolence growls, clenching his fists. "He murdered my BROTHER, AND YOU WANT TO-"

"I haven't said I'm going to accept them, I just don't want you getting angry at me before I make my decision."

"You shouldn't even be considering this."

"I have to consider everything, not just what Rasp did. They need a home, and yes, Rasp made mistakes, but they were good allies when they were with us before."

"But he murdered-"

"It was an accident." Rasp speaks, his voice quiet and anxious. "I- I wasn't even trying to stab him, I just wanted to get him away from G... I'm so sorry, Malevolence."

"'Sorry' doesn't cut it." Malevolence snaps.

"...I know." Rasp looks at the ground. "I know I can never be forgiven. I don't want to be forgiven. I deserve your anger. I- I don't even know why I bothered to come here." He lifts his head and looks at Malevolence nervously. "If- If there's anything I can do to atone for what I did... I'll do it."

Before Malevolence can speak, Dream turns to the two former Martyrdom warriors. "Do you want to be part of Dynamic? I know Shattered does, but you, Rasp?"

Rasp is silent for a while before nodding slightly. "I-If.... If you want me... That is..."

"Do you think there'd be any arguments between my clan and Martyrdom if I take you in?"

Rasp just shrugs, sinking into Shattered's embrace hopelessly.

Dream narrows his eye sockets. "Sci, get these two something to eat while I discuss this. Nightmare, Y/N, Lav, Malevolence, and Warden, come with me."

Sci guides Rasp and Shattered into the kitchen as me and the other clan members that Dream called for follow him upstairs and into his room. He shuts and locks the door, then sits on his bed and sighs. Malevolence is in the corner, his tendrils stiff and his wings curled. His eye light illuminates the rather dark corner brightly. Warden is by his side, trying to calm him down.

"You can't be serious." Malevolence growls after a while of silence. "They killed my brother, Dream!"

"I know what he did." Dream sighs again. Nightmare walks over and sits beside him, rubbing his shoulder comfortingly. "But it was a mistake... An accident..."

The Rogue Rebellion [Nightmare!Sans x Reader] [[SEQUEL TO FORBIDDEN]]Where stories live. Discover now