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I'm walking through the woods, Nightmare by my side. It's sunny and not too warm but not too cold, signifying spring is almost here. Our hands are locked together, and his tendrils are wound around my body, keeping me close to him. He has a smile on his face, and so do I, but there's something in the air that makes me feel uneasy.

"It's a beautiful day, isn't it?" He murmurs. "Spring is on its way." He pauses for a moment and leans down, picking a flower out of the dirt. It's nothing more than a reddish-orange poppy, but he tucks it into my hair and smiles more. "The color suits you so well."

I smile, then give him a gentle kiss. "I love you, Nightmare."

"I love you too, darling." He caresses my cheek tenderly. "Shall we go to the river?"

"I would love that."

We continue walking, but as we get closer to the river. The unease inside me grows until I feel the hairs on the back of my neck stick up. I shiver and scoot closer to Nightmare nervously. He doesn't seem to notice this feeling. Nor does he seem to notice the forest growing concerningly dark as we walk. It's almost like the forest also knows something's wrong.

"Nightmare, maybe we should-"

The gunshot goes off, and Nightmare collapses instantly. I just barely see him turn to dust before everything goes dark.


I wake up with a scream, sweating and panting heavily. I try to tell myself that it was just a nightmare, but that feeling of dread is still inside of me.

Lav rushes into the room, and I think he's going to check on me and make sure I'm alright. He meets my gaze, then hurries out of the room. I stumble after him, confused. I catch a glimpse of him and Dream hurrying upstairs as I leave Lav's room. I follow, and Swad, Shattered, and Rasp trail after me. Dream bursts through the door to my room, and Lav nearly trips over him as he stops abruptly. I push my way through until I'm standing in the doorway. The window is open wide, and there's a strange, acidic liquid staining the wooden floor. Bell looks alright, though she's crying, probably because she's scared. But I'm too stunned to go soothe her.

Nightmare is lying on the ground, bleeding from his clavicle. Radio is in front of him, panting heavily. They walk over to Bell and pick her up, quietly stroking her head with their tail to calm her down. They look at me, and I come over my shock. I rush into the room and kneel beside Nightmare. He seems conscious, though his gaze is full of pain. Lav hurries downstairs and comes back with Ccino, Bush, and a shit ton of herbs and bandages. He pushes me aside gently and starts working on Nightmare's wound, so I decide to take care of Bell.

"I got here just in time." Radio says quietly as they hand Bell back to me. "If I had been here a second later, the bullet would've gone through his head."

"What happened?" I whisper, holding Bellator close to me protectively.

"Ash and Phantom. They left camp and snuck here. I knew what they had been planning, and I had wanted to convince them not to do it, but I couldn't, so I followed them here silently. I snuck in through another room and just barely managed to push Ash out of the way. I'm sorry I wasn't able to get here sooner. I didn't want to be seen."

"Well, you saved his life, that's for sure." Lav says.

"So h-he'll be alright?" I look at him.

"Mhm. He just needs to stay inside where I can keep an eye on him." He gives Nightmare a stern glare. "People don't seem to listen when I tell them to stay inside. If I say you aren't fine, you aren't fine."

The Rogue Rebellion [Nightmare!Sans x Reader] [[SEQUEL TO FORBIDDEN]]Where stories live. Discover now