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Shattered POV


Somni lands on the ground, panting heavily. His eye socket closes, and as he lets go of me, he collapses, slumping to the ground, unconscious. Valient grabs him and drags him into a ditch as it starts to snow. I follow them down into the ditch as Valient heads back up to get sticks to make a fire.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"Somni needs rest." Valient replies, jumping back into the ditch with a bunch of sticks in her hand. She sets them up, then strikes a knife against a rock and creates a spark which sets the sticks on fire, creating a campfire. "I know you're itching to get home, kid, but-"

"It's alright." I sit down beside the fire as Somni lets out a groan of pain. I reckon all of the injuries he gained from the rogues are finally starting to set in.

"Shh..." Valient picks up Somni and holds him in her arms. "It's alright, Somni." Somni mutters something about it being too cold, and she scoots closer to the fire, laying him down. "Better?"

Somni lets out a sleepy murmur of thanks and slips back into unconsciousness. Valient sighs and rests her head on his chest, stroking his sternum gently as she stares into the fire. I look up and see that the sun is setting. I lie on my back, putting my arms under my head, and I stare at the sky as it slowly turns from fiery reddish orange to a dark blue as night falls. Clouds cover the sky for the most part, which means I can't see the stars. The snow luckily doesn't pick up, but it is cold. I can hear Valient murmuring soothing things to Somni as he sleeps peacefully. Something tells me I won't be sleeping like he is tonight. I'm too restless after what happened with Ash, and I'm too anxious, just wanting to get back home.

I feel like it's kind of stupid, but I don't really want to go back to Martyrdom. I was going to ask Y/N if Dream would let Rasp and me stay in his clan, but then I was captured by Ash, and I never got the chance. Something tells me Dream would let us stay, but I'm not sure if the rest of Dynamic would like that, especially Nightmare. Maybe Y/N would be alright with it. At the same time, though, I don't want to join Dynamic. I was born and raised in Martyrdom, and I feel like it'd be hard to leave, but no one in the clan ever liked Rasp or me anyway, so what does it matter? They'd probably be glad to see us go. I know G would like it if Rasp left. Maybe Mafia would be a little disappointed in me leaving. He wasn't the worst mentor at times, though he did snap at me a lot. I guess I deserved his anger. Always running off or not doing what I was told to do. It still angers me that Rasp was treated the way he was- the way he still gets treated, even as a warrior. That's why I don't want to go back to Martyrdom, but is Dynamic any better? Will we be forced to be apprentices again, just like Soap and Warden were apprentices even though Warden was already older than some of the warriors in other clans? Will they even accept us?

"Hey. Shattered. Kid. Wake up."

I blink as Valient nudges me. "Huh-?"

"I was trying to ask you a question." She says, twirling a knife in her hand and rubbing Somni's sternum with the other. "Somni told me you don't really feel at home with your clan. What's that about?"

I sigh and sit up, pulling my knees close to my chest. "All my life, I've been treated like crap. I've been bullied, pushed around, yelled at... My clan just... They just hate me for some reason. I don't know if it's because I'm ambitious or because I'm a little bit- ok, more than a little bit- of a troublemaker, but they just hate me." I rest my chin on my arms and stare at the fire. "Rasp was treated like absolute shit. He still is treated like shit. His mentor was a little bitch who scolded him for every tiny mistake. Not even Mafia- my mentor- was as bad as G was. Mafia yelled at me a lot, but he helped me fix my mistakes. If I screwed up while hunting, he'd tell me what I did wrong, even if he was a little harsh about it. But G... Whenever Rasp screwed up, even slightly, he'd yell at him, and sometimes... Sometimes he'd hurt Rasp... When we first became apprentices, he dragged Rasp out the door, and that night, Rasp woke me up and showed me the bruise G gave him because of how roughly he dragged him outside." I let out a soft growl. "When we became warriors, G still treated him like shit. It's like, just because G is an older, more experienced warrior, he thinks he can shove Rasp- and me- around and bully us and mistreat us, and none of the other clan members tried to stop him, not even our Healers. So I guess that made me more rebellious... Rasp was super ambitious as an apprentice, but... On the night we became warriors, that ambition seemed to dwindle from a flame to a tiny spark. He wanted to be leader so badly as an apprentice, and now... I mean, he still does want to be leader. We 'argue' over who will be leader and who will be deputy one day, but he doesn't seem to have the same passion for it that he had when he was an apprentice. I think G's abuse took that away from him."

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