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"Bellator, step forward."

The little bundle of joy I call a daughter practically explodes as Dream calls her up. She's bouncing up and down, staring up at Dream with wide eyes. Dream smiles down at her kindly, and Nightmare puts an arm around me.

"You've reached six years of age, and it is time for you to begin your apprenticeship." Dream says, then looks at Shattered. "Shattered, come here."

Shattered blinks and looks around. "Um... Me-?"

"Yes, you."

Shattered walks up and stands beside Bell nervously.

"Shattered, you will be Bellator's mentor." Dream says, and Shattered's eye socket widens. "I trust you will pass down your strength and your knowledge to this young apprentice."

"I- I will, Dream." Shattered pulls Bell close to him, seeming so proud. His twin sons, Solemn and Benevolence, stare at their father, looking excited. Just a week after Ash was killed, Rasp found out he was pregnant, and nine months later, he gave birth to twins. When Rasp told Malevolence he wanted to name one of his sons after Benevolence- Malevolence's deceased brother, who Rasp had accidentally killed in a battle with Martyrdom- Malevolence was so happy. Solemn looks just like Shattered, only he has a white right arm and the normal two eye sockets, with one cyan eye light and one yellow one. Benevolence looks very similar to the first Benevolence, only his eye lights are both cyan. He has a tail, which was probably one of the reasons why Rasp named him Benevolence, and it fades from white to red instead of white to yellow. Dream says he's just like Malevolence's brother, and I can't help but wonder if maybe- just maybe- Benevolence was reborn as Rasp's son.

"Then I believe that concludes the ceremony." Dream says with a nod.

"Bellator! Bellator! Bellator!" My clanmates chant, and for a moment, I'm too full of pride for my daughter to speak, but then I join the cheering. When the noise dies down, Bell rushes over to Nightmare and me instantly.

"I'm an apprentice now!" She says happily, jumping into her father's arms.

"Yes, you are." Nightmare says proudly. "Which means you have to listen to Shattered."

"What if he tells me I have to clean the dishes?"

"Then you have to do it."

"But that's not fun!" She whines, then giggles as Nightmare tickles her.

"Every apprentice has to clean the dishes." Nightmare sets her down and taps her nose. "It's a very valuable warrior skill to have."

Bell gasps. "REALLY?"


"I'LL GO CLEAN THE DISHES RIGHT NOW!" Bell tries to run off, but Nightmare pulls her back.

"There aren't any dishes to clean, Bell. Calm down."

Shattered walks up to us nervously. "Um." He looks at Nightmare. "I- I'm... Surprised you let Dream pick me as her mentor."

"He didn't." Nightmare says, and I smile. "I did."

Shattered blinks. "You- You... You wanted me to mentor her...?"

Nightmare nods. "Yes. You've proven to be a very good warrior, Shattered. I apologize for how I treated you before. I know you'll be a great mentor."

Shattered seems to melt. "I- Thank you, Nightmare. I'll be the best mentor I can be." He looks down at Bell. "Shall I take you on a tour of the territory now, or are you hungry? It's almost lunch time."

The Rogue Rebellion [Nightmare!Sans x Reader] [[SEQUEL TO FORBIDDEN]]Where stories live. Discover now