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"A-Ah, Shattered-!" I squeak as he thrusts me into his room and slams the door shut. He glares at me with a fierce expression, and I actually feel kind of scared. I back up against the wall, worried he's going to hurt me.

Instead, he just sits down on his bed and buries his head in the palms of his hands. "What do I do?" His voice comes out as a strangled whisper.

"...About.... What... Exactly-?" I blink.

"Rasp." He looks up at me. "I- I- I think- Um- He- He might be-" He lets out a shaky exhale. "Oh my goodness, I can't- I can't do this."

"Shattered, what's wrong?" I ask. "What's wrong with Rasp?"

"Oh, nothing, he's fine, just showing signs of BEING PREGNANT." He snaps, then curls up on his bed, looking scared. "I- I- I know this might just be random symptoms and maybe he isn't pregnant, but what if he is?" He looks up at me, running a hand over his face, trembling. "I- I'm not ready to be a father, Y/N! Not with everything that's been going on, I- I can't do this."

"Rasp." I grab his hands, and I can't help but chuckle. "Calm down."

"This isn't funny." He growls.

"Just listen to me." I sit beside him and wrap an arm around him. "What symptoms is he showing?"

"W-Well, he- He's... Been really tired... Even if he sleeps well, a-and the other day he was complaining about cramps in his torso, as well as this weird fluttering in his chest, and he got really nauseous on patrol the other day." He looks at me, his eye light shaking. "What am I gonna do if he's pregnant? I'm not ready to be a father, Y/N... I don't know anything about raising a child!"

"No parent does when it's their first kid, Shattered." I say, hugging him. "I'm not the best person to go to for fatherly advice, but I know someone who would help you."

"Who? Thistle?"

I chuckle. "Nightmare."

"NO FUCKING WAY." He glares at me. "I'M NOT GOING TO HIM!"

"Shattered." I cup his face in my hands. "He'll help you, I swear. I know you two have had a weird hatred for each other, but you two are clanmates now."

"He's just gonna make fun of me!"

"No he won't." I smile. "Does Rasp know if he's pregnant or not?"

"I don't really think so. I haven't... Actually... Talked to him about this-"

"Lav will be able to tell. Go get Rasp and see, alright? If Rasp is pregnant, talk to Nightmare."

"...Fine." He stands up, grumbling something under his breath as he leaves the room. I follow him out to the living room and see him talking wit Rasp. Rasp's eye sockets widen as he looks down at himself, and the two hurry into Lav's room. I sink into the couch cushions as Nightmare walks over.

"I could be wrong, but did I just overhear Shattered telling Rasp he thinks he's pregnant-?" He asks, sitting beside me.

I lean against him with a sigh. "Yes, Shattered thinks Rasp is pregnant."

"And if he is?"

"I don't know." I chuckle. "I think it'll be nice to have another young child around the house. Bell and their child can be best friends~"

He narrows his eye socket. "I don't want my daughter being friends with their spawn, especially if it turns out to be as troublesome as they are. She doesn't need that influence."

The Rogue Rebellion [Nightmare!Sans x Reader] [[SEQUEL TO FORBIDDEN]]Where stories live. Discover now