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"I will see you in the morning, darling." Nightmare says as he gets ready for a night patrol, something Dream wants us to do just in case the rogues come back. He's been extremely wary since then, despite all of Nightmare's attempts to comfort him.

"Alright." I kiss him, holding Bell in my arms. She babbles nonsense as she reaches for Nightmare.

"Be good for me, sweetheart." Nightmare kisses Bell on the forehead, and she giggles. She sticks her tiny hand into Nightmare's eye socket, and he sighs. He slowly removes her hand. "Be good." He repeats with a stern yet playful glare at her. She just giggles again and smacks him in the face. He lets out an exasperated sigh and stands up, giving her a pat on the head and giving me another kiss. "I love you, darling."

"I love you too." I say. "And hey, when you get back, I'll make the bed nice and comfy for you." I give him a little smirk.

"I'll be counting on it." He whispers, kissing me again before heading out the door with Shattered, Rasp, Thistle, Affection, and Rose. I look at Bell and boop her nose. "Let's get you to bed."

I carry her in my arms upstairs, then yawn as I open the door to my bedroom. I set Bell down gently in her crib, tuck her in, and then sit beside her. The crib rocks, so I rock her back and forth gently, humming a soft tune as I do sometimes to put her to bed. She's rather hyper this evening, though, so it takes a while for me to lull her to sleep. When she's finally out, I give her a final kiss on top of the forehead before heading back downstairs. I want too check on Swad and Malevolence before bed, and perhaps talk to Soap about something.

I make my way downstairs and head into Lav's room. Lavender is hovered over Swad, and he looks up when I come in. "Oh. Y/N. Hello."

"How's he doing?" I ask, keeping my voice quiet so I don't wake anyone in the room. I shut the door and walk over to Swad, then sit beside him. The usually brave and rather chaotic and flirty warrior seems so small. His wing is bandaged, but I know that underneath all of the layers of gauze, there's a wound that may never heal properly. He also doesn't have his usual fluffy coat and vest on. Instead, the only thing covering his chest is more bandages.

"He woke up twice." Lav sighs. "He's even more confused than you were when you went to look for Nightmare. He seems to think he's in Cataclysm, but he's mumbled something about his clanmates 'Fell' and 'Geno' need him. He's so confused he's not only getting his location wrong, but he's mixing members of the clans and thinking they're his own clanmates." He buries his head in the palms of his hands. "That's not even the worst of it. He's claimed his partner 'Dust' is going to be here, and then, when he woke up for the second time, he said his partner 'Error' will be here." He sighs again. "I don't know if it's the herbs or the amount of blood he lost or if he was just slammed really harshly into a tree headfirst, but he isn't doing well mentally. His wounds are healing fine, it's just the confusion... I don't know what to do at this point."

"Is it a fever?"

He nods. "He has a high fever, but his wounds aren't infected. I think it went down after I gave him feverfew and some snow."


"Yeah. I mixed some snow into the last poultice I applied to his chest, and it seemed to cool him down a little. Hopefully it stays down." He looks over his shoulder at Malevolence. "He at least knows where he is, even if he keeps calling for his brother..." His shoulders sink, and I rub his back comfortingly. "You should, uh, go to bed, Y/N. There's not really much you can do here, unless you just wanna keep me company while the others are asleep."

"Do you want me to keep you company?"

He shrugs. "I'm used to staying up late alone, and besides, it might get awkward if we're just sitting here staring a silent body." He chuckles softly. "Get some sleep, Y/N. Oh, and bring Bell in here tomorrow. I just wanna make sure she's doing alright. I do it with everyone."

The Rogue Rebellion [Nightmare!Sans x Reader] [[SEQUEL TO FORBIDDEN]]Where stories live. Discover now