Will Sunny hate me too?

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The last person I have to talk to is Sunny. I go to her dorm and knock four times. "Rainy?! Oh my gosh!" She opens the door "are you okay! What happened!"

"I learned how to use my powers. But I used them on people. Specifically Cole who has the fire gift."

"I my gosh! Is everyone alright?"

This question makes me angry. "Cole is in the infirmary, Ivy hates me, I can't control my powers and I could have killed someone!" I snap.

Sunny looks like she is almost in tears. I didn't mean to make her feel guilty. I am a terrible friend.

"I didn't mean it. I am sorry I am just stressed." I look down and realize I water had been coming out of my hands. I walk into the room and shut the door behind me.

"Rainy it's fine. Know you didn't mean it. Gifts are hard to control. I'm not going to say I understand because I don't."

I hear a knock on the door.

"I got it," Sunny says. She opens the door and looks confused. She looks down and picks something up. "Rainy there is a book here for you."

She hands me a book. She hands me Allegiant. A sticky note is attached to the book. It reads: "I know you wanted to read it. You are going to hate the ending. Love Cole" I throw the book at the wall. Water starts coming out of my hands.

"Rainy?! Are you okay!" I hear Sunny yell. She sounds terrified. I attempt to calm down and this time succeed.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to freak out right there."

"What happened," she asks.

"Cole has the nerve to cheat on Ivy, flirt with me by giving me a book and fight with Blake."

"I forgot to tell you I am getting a roommate. Her name Eliza,"

I leave Sunny's room. Ivy is in the hallway. Should I run?

"Hey Rainy. Sorry about earlier do you want to come to a pool party I am hosting later?"

"Um sure," I answer. I don't want to get in a fight again.

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