In her head

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She was targeting Cole. Of course she went after Sunny. How did I not realize this. I run to Eliza's and Sunny's dorm. Sunny is hyperventilating.

"What is it?!" Cole asks frantically.

"Skylar!" Sunny gasps for air, "she's in my mind."

"I'm going to find her!" I yell. I run out of the room and go to Skylar's dorm. I throw the door open.


She doesn't look up from the book she's reading. "Hmm?"

I walk up to her and grab her book. I throw it across the room. She looks at me with arrogant surprise. 


"Stop what?" She asks calmly.

"Torturing Sunny." 

"I'm not torturing Sunny. I'm torturing Cole by hurting Sunny. There is a difference."

I grit my teeth. "Skylar I swear if you don't stop I will kill you."

"That's funny. You think you're stronger than me."


I shoot water at Skylar but I immediately evaporates.

"Universe," she says in a singsong voice.

"I will drown you. I am not being funny right now."

"No you won't." Skylar teleports to who knows where. I run back to where everyone else is. Sunny is screaming but we know a nurse can't help her. Her hands are tightly over her ears. Skylar is putting noises in her head.

"Eliza, have you tried freezing her?" I ask

"Yes but it won't work," she answers.

Cole is still by Sunny trying to talk to her.he is worried. It's extremely obvious. Suddenly it stops. She is no longer screaming it gets quiet. Sunny is trying to catch her breath.

"It's gone," she smiles.

She said that too soon. Her eyes get dark and she does the same thing she did at the park. Her voice gets low and it doesn't sound like her own.

"Now that you have learned your  lesson I hope you never defy me. It would be a real shame if something happened to Sunny or anyone here."

Sunny gasps and begins crying. Cole wraps his arms around her. They sit there, crying, eventually the rest of us leave.

What an eventful day and not in a good way.

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