The boat

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I lie on the forest floor for about ten minutes. When I stand up I feel dizzy.

"Luna, I didn't want to do that in front of you"

She smiles, "Sometimes it's better to cry than to keep it in. There's nothing wrong with that."

I sigh, "Maybe Sunny and Cole are right. She could do harm."

"But she could also help. You never know."

"I don't know what to do."

I talk to Luna for a while and then leave. I go back to my dorm. I get a message from Blake to Sunny, Cole, Eliza, Kyle, Ivy, and I.

Hey guys. Do you want to go to the beach? I'm going tomorrow at 2:00. My dad is bringing our boat.

That sounds great. I decide I'll go. The next day I show up and see Ivy, Kyle, Cole and Sunny talking. I decide to see them.

"What's up?" I ask.

"The sky," Cole retorts.

"Did you see Blake's boat?" Ivy asks.

She points. I look over to where she is pointing. I expected a small boat. That is a yacht. I'm not exaggerating. Blake comes over to us.

"Hey guys. We are going on the boat. Want to come?"

"Sure!" We all say. We all said it except for Cole.

"Cole do you?" Blake asks.

"Um okay," he answers. He looks uncomfortable.

We all begin walking. Eliza is already on the boat. We all walk on to the boat.

"Nice boat," Kyle said.

"Thanks," Blake replies.

We begin moving. The ocean is beautiful. The way the sun shines on the water is mystifying. I see fish and coral. Sunny comes and stands up next to me.

"It's beautifull isn't it."


Eliza walks up to us. "Sometimes I wish I could stay here forever, well technically I can, never mind. It's just really amazing."

Cole yells, "Sunny can you come here for a sec?"

Sunny goes over to him. I continue looking at the ocean. I hear a gagging sound behind me. I turn and see Cole throw up over the side of the boat.

"I'm so sorry Blake," he apologizes.

"It's fine. You're just seasick."

Cole falls to the floor.

"Cole!" Sunny screams.

She runs up to him. He's breathing heavily and sweating. I remember how he acted during the flood. This is much worse.

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