Chapter 36

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Septemeber came. Crimson's cancer got no better yet got no worse either. She had been through 3 surguries, and was still going through chemo and raditation theropy. It was rough, but they were making it through.

Jinxx and the others all pitched in on paying for the expensive costs of the treatments and the many night at the hospital Crimson had to have because she was so sick. They did not care about the cost. All they wanted now was for Star to be able to spend as much time with her as possible knowing that Crimson's may be coming up short.

The meeting with Ansley was coming soon. A couple days soon. Crimson was planning on going herself. She had not forgotten, but her mother is to stressed out about Crimson's sickness and the cost of everything that it has slipped her mind. She more then likely would not have gone anyway, because of the precious time she had left with her daughter.

Crimson had a plan. The meeting was on a Thursday, and her mother always went to work for 3 hours on Tuesday's, Wednesday's, and Thursday's from 9 to 12, so that would give her enough time to get ready and leave by the time she got home.

Yes, Crimson knew her.mother would be angry with her, but she wanted... she needed to know who, how, and why her father was killed. What did she have to loose anyway?

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Thursday arrived, Star was gone, Crimson had butterflies like she never had before, Jayy was with her, and he did not know what she was going to do. Crimson wanted to tell him, but she still felt like he was upset with her about the whole Jaxson thing.

Why? She did not know. Jaxson broke up with her as soon as she told him about her having cancer. His excuse was that he did not want to get hurt again. So, instead he hurt her. In a way Crimson was happy the true Jaxson came out before they actually became anything in the relationship they had, but it still hurt to find out that all of it was a lie.

Jayy came over that night, and held Crimson as she cried herself to sleep. He loved her, but he just did not know how to tell her. This was why he barely spoke to her anymore. He did not want to risk hurting her again by her knowing he loved her so much.

10:00 came, Crimson was ready, but she did not know how to get around Jayy. She tried to think of ways to get him to let her out of the house without him needing to go too, but nothing would work, and she knew that. When 10:30 rolled around, she decided to persuade him into going with her, and if that didn't work .... climb out her window.

Crimson walked down stairs to the living room. "Hey, Jayy," she said with a smile.

He looked up at her from the couch softly smiling back," Hey."

Crimson sighed. She did not know what to say, and he was not going to make it easy either.

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