Chapter 10

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Crimson jumped and came to from her nightmare. She was sweating through her shirt and breathing heavily as she looked around her dark bedroom. She sighed and looked to her bed side table at her alarm clock. It was 4 in the morning. She sighed again.

"Maybe Mom will let me skip another day," she thought to herself settling back down under her covers.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Star saw how tired her daughter was he next morning and agreed to let her skip one more day. She did not miss much school, so it would not hurt anything.

"Bye baby, I'm off to work. Love you and be good," Stat called to Crimson up the stairs.

"Okay, I will. Love you too," she answered back.

Crimson was starting to get a bet of a headache which was the only reason she was not listening to her music on MAX when her mother left.

She had gotten these headaches for a while now so it was nothing new. She, however, never mentioned anything to her mom about it because she did not want her to worry.

Crimson could see she was stressed and really depressed. Star, of course, tried her best to hide it especailly around her daughter, but Crimson could see it in her eyes.

Star was still, even after 17 years, grieving over Andy's death. She was never the same after that life changing moment. She changed jobs, became isolated with most of the outside world, and never spoke unless she had to. She even limited Crimson on her social media's and hang outs. Crimson completely understand. Not like she really cared. She liked keeping to herself or hanging with either Jayy or Jani at their houses. She did not like going out often, and did most of her shopping for clothes and shoes online. Same with Star.

Crimson was sitting in her room listening to Ritual by BVB. She could never get over the song. She would listen to it a thousand times a day. She just pondered it for hours. What her father was feeling, thinking, day dreaming about maybe while he wrote the lyrics to the song.

Then she heard the phone ring from downstairs which broke her ponder. She paused the song, and ran down catching the phone on the fifth ring.

"Hello?" she answered.

The person on the oother side of the phone cleared their throat then a woman spoke," Hello, this is Chicago State Prison for Women, is this... Star Biersack?"

"Um...No ma'am, but I can take a message," Crimson replied politely. She was confused on why a prison was contacting her mother. Especailly one all the way in Chicago.

"Sure that would be just great... um... prisoner Ansley Cameron is resquesting a visit from Ms. Biersack on the 20th of November this year. This is Miss. Ansley's last request before her last day to live which is on the 23rd of November.... Will you please make sure Ms. Biersack receives this message ASAP, and calls us back at...."

Crimson hung up the phone before the woman was able to finish. 

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