Chapter 40

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"I'll be at the door if you need me," Lucy said nodding at Crimson and closing the door behind her.

Crimson looked at the woman in the middle of the room. Her shadowed face stared back at her. "You're not Star," she said.

Crimson swallowed hard and started slowly walking closer to the table. "I'm her daughter," Crimson said. 

Ansley's eyes grew bigger. "You're .... You're her daughter?" 

"That's what I just said.." Crimson said giving her attitude. How was she supposed to treat the woman that killed her father in cold blood. Not nicely.

"You... you just look so much like him.." Ansley said.

"I wouldn't know," Crimson said coldly. Before she entered the room all she felt was butterflies in her stomach, but now that she was in a room with her father's killer all she felt was hatred. 

Ansley was expecting it to be this way. She could not blame her. She felt the same way.

Ansley gave a sigh, and Crimson could hear the chains around her wrists and ankles jingle.

 "Well..." Ansley spoke up," if you're here for the story then you might as well take a seat." Crimson was hesitant, but sat in the chair that was set on the opposite of the table. 

Ansley stared down at the table in silence for a while not knowing where to start. "I don't know what your mother has told you or how much you know... but..." she started.

"All I know about my father's death is that he was shot at a show by you," Crimson said.

Ansley nodded," Right...well... my story begins when I might this guy named Jamie Winters... he was charming... cute... and a girl like me couldn't resist but to know him after he had already been staring at me the whole time we were at at friend of mine's party and I got pregnant...."

"I'm here to know why you killed my father not your love life story," Crimson said getting aggravated. All she wanted to do was learn why her father dead and get as far away as she could from this woman. 

Ansley sighed getting aggravated herself. "This... is where the story starts. So, if you want to know about your father's death... then I will tell you. Otherwise, you can walk your ass right back out that door and not know anything." 

Crimson sat back in her seat and stayed quiet. 

"We ended up getting drunk and slept together..." Ansley continued. "And after that night we started hanging out together, and he got me into doing heroin and many other horrible drugs. I never did them as hard as he did, because I had to maintain a job and my physical look.... The job I had was at the Dragon Inn... with your mother. Jamie got me the job there. A couple weeks went by and he asked me to spy on your mother for him, and ,of course, I did because I thought I loved him."

"Why did he..." Crimson interrupted. 

Ansley smiled slightly," I'm getting there... after he asked he got drunk and spilled his guts out about everything after I asked him why. He told me that she was his ex and that the famous rock star Andy Biersack of Black Veil Brides stole her away from him...." Ansley paused. " You , of course, will have to ask your mother for the true story on that, because if I were you.. I wouldn't believe a damn thing that that druggy bastard said he then went to prison for drugs and a lot of other things went down after that... then Jamie and a friend of his set it up to break him out of prison... in which they did... and they tried killing your mother and father by a car crash.... "

Crimson did not know how to take all of this in. This story was almost impossible to imagine, yet by the way Ansley was talking and the look on her face said it all was true. 

"However... instead of killing them... Jamie died..." Ansley's voice choked, but she held the tears back and continued on with her story," Star was hurt pretty badly, and Andy was banged up a little bit, but Star got the worst of it.... Which is how your mother lost her eye..." Ansley then could not hold the tears in any longer and broke down crying over the table. Crimson said nothing while she sobbed, but she felt this sick feeling in her stomach that someone could do such a thing to someone else like James did to Asnley. Crimson knew deep down that she would more then likely do the same thing if it was someone she loved. Someone like Jayy...

Ansley sat back up dried her teary eyes sniffed the tears back then continued again," After the crash I was devastated. I didn't have a father for my young child, and I had lost the person I thought I had actually loved. I wanted revenge... Then at work I heard your mother was pregnant.... pregnant with you... and I wanted to do what I felt like she had done to me... kill the person she loves while she had a baby to take care of...."

 After that sentence their was no words for a long time. Crimson's eyes were filled with tears, and she did not know what to say to anything that Ansley had confessed to. Crimson sympathized Ansley, but she felt like it was a horrible thing to do since it was for the woman that took her father away from her and her mother. Then Crimson heard a voice behind her. "Forgive her Crimson," it said.  She turned and looked behind her only to see the image of her father standing in the light that the window cased down into the room. " Forgive her," he said again then he was gone. 

Tears started streaming down her face, and after a while of watching the place her father was, she turned back around and looked at Ansley. " I forgive you," she said. Ansley looked up at her in bewilderment. " I forgive you," Crimson said again, and that was all Ansley truly wanted in her life. Forgiveness. 

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