Chapter 47

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Jayy sprinted to his car, jumped in, and took off headed toward home. It did not take long, and he barged in through the front door and ran into Crimson's room where he found her passed out on the bed.

He ran to her side, and saw the bottle of pills that lay open and spilt on her bed beside her and a small puddle of vomit in the corner. Then Jayy started panicking.

"CRIMSON?!" he yelled shacking her by the shoulders. " CRIMSON?! Don't you die one me! Don't you die on me!!!" Jayy was crying now. He did not know what to do.

He drug her off the bed and down the hall screaming and crying," DON'T YOU DIE ON ME! CRIMSON, DON'T YOU DIE ON ME!" Jayy drug her to the bathtub sat in it and pulled her into his lap, and turned the shower on rocking her while crying," Don't you die on me, Crimson. Please don't leave me!" Then a thought came to his mind," Throw them up Crimson. You gotta throw them up!" he yelled turning her around in his arms, shoving his fingers down her throat.
She heaved and threw up some of the pills and started crying again. "Crimson, throw them up! You gotta throw them up!" Jayy kept repeating putting his fingers back in her mouth making her vomit more of the pills out of her system.

No matter how many times Crimson yelled stop or how loud she cried, Jayy never stopped until she was no longer throwing up pills.

She lay back crying on his chest, and he cried with her holding her as close as he possibly could.

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