Chapter 20

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During the movie, Star, Crimson, and Ella all shed a tear of two. CC's eyes watered a bit, but his excuse was that he had gotten some salt and butter from the popcorn in his eyes. No one bought it, but they, of course, pretended to.

After the movie was over, they all went out eat at the new Applebee's they had just built down the road. They enjoyed themselves. The food was good, and none of them ever stopped smiling or laughing.

When they all were finished, and it was time to leave. They all said there good-byes in the parking lot. Promising that they all would stay in touch better from then on.

Star stopped on the way home at the post office to pick up her mail and bills. Many, many bills. Like she always had every week. Bills that she can hardly afford to pay off. However, no one, including Crimson, knows of her financial problems.

There was about 10 bills from what it looked lime to Star when she opened to P.O. Box. She sighed saddenedly at the amount of paper that was in her hands. The amount of money coming out of her pocket. She closed and locked to P.O. Box then stood in front of it looking through the envolopes. "Bill, bill, bill, bill," she whispered to herself as she flopped through them. Then an address caught her eye. It was not a bill. It was from Illinois State Prison in Chicago.

As soon as she realized where the address was from, her eyes grew big, and she dropped everything except that letter.

The others around her checking their P.O. Boxes looked at her confused. They quickly did what they had came to do then left giving Star a concerned glare before walking out the door.

Star blinked a couple times then ripped open the letter. It read:

"Dear Ms. Biersack,

        Prisoner Ansley Cameron has requested a meeting on the 23rd of Novemeber 2014 as her last wish before her execution on the 25th of Novemeber.

        An escort, room, and 3 meals will be provided for you, Ms. Biersack, if you attend the meeting.

                                                                    Hoping you are well,

                                           Head of Illinois State Prison Boarder

                                                                               Paula Dawson"

Star thought she may have a heart attack.

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