Chapter 52

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Crimson woke up before Jinxx and Jay were able to make it to her room. Her vision was a little blurring and she felt weird, but knew that was only the side effects of being put to sleep.

She sat up slowly. The weight of her body felt heavy and sloggish, and her mouth was completely dry. She craved water or even the little ice pieces the hospital will provide for patents to suck on. Any other time Crimson would have tried getting up, but she knew no matter how stubborn she was, the fact that she had just gotten out of brain surgery and that she was still drowsy from being put under she knew she would never make it.

Jinxx and Jayy walked quietly into the room in fear that she might still be awake.

"Hey, guys," Crimson said smiling slightly when she saw them.

Jayy ran over to her bedside, "Hey, Baby. How are you doing?"

"I'm okay..." she said nodding slightly.

Jinxx walked over and sat on the other side of her bed and held her hand. Jayy was to afraid to touch her because she looked so fragile.

"I must look horrible," Crimson said feeling a little embarrassed.

"No, Sweetheart. You look just fine," Jinxx said.

"You're the most beautiful person in the world if you ask me," Jayy said taking hold of her other hand smiling brightly at the love of his life. Crimson smiled and blushed a little.

A couple minutes later the doctor came through the door with a clip board of papers. He seemed surprisingly happier then he usually does. Crimson thought," He probably got laid last night for the first time in months... Don't get your hopes up."

"Hey guys... So the surgery went very well. We had no complications, and I have some very good news..." Everyone looked at him wide eyed wishing he would just spit it out instead of having so many dramatic pauses. "We were able to get out every bit of her tumor."

Jinxx and Jayy went silent in awe. Crimson's expression was completely blank. She did not know whether she needed to pinch herself because she might still be asleep dreaming or if this was really happening.

Jinxx ran and hugged the doctor causing him to drop his clipboard, Jayy jumped in the air and screamed,"Fuck yeah!!!"

Jinxx almost turned around and told Jayy to watch his mouth, but instead decided to yell it himself and hug his son. By this time, Crimson was smiling and laughing. Jayy and Jinxx both held on to one of her hands crying tears of joy wishing they could hug her as tightly as they could, but knowing if they did it would probably break every bone in her body. Jayy slowly slide his arm around her back and hugged her ever so gently kissing her as hard as he dared. "I thank God for everyday that you are alive, and now I'm going to get to for the rest of mine," he whispered in her ear his eyes tearing up even more.

The words he said made Crimson's eyes start pouring with tears. "I love you, Jayy," she cried and wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him as tightly as she could until it hurt.

"I love you so much, Baby," Jayy said.

At that moment they heard Jinxx yell," She's gonna be okay!!!"

Chris and Amy had just walked in and wondered what was going on, and then when Jinxx yelled that, Amy almost fell to her knees with tears of joy streaming out of her eyes, and Chris caught her before she got to the floor. Jinxx ran over and hugged them. Jayy soon followed then Ashley and Jake joined to hug fest.

Crimson sat back and laughed. She still could not believe it. The doctor smiled and patted her foot. "Congratulations, Sweetheart," he said then made his way through the crowd of people hugging and cry with each other over the amazing and unexpected news.

Crimson sat back and closed her eyes letting the moment sink in. Then she heard a faint voice whisper her name.

Crimson looked and saw her mother and father sitting beside her bed smiling at her. Her eyes started filling with tears all over again. "Momma?"

Star smiled bigger and nodded. "Hey, Baby."

"I miss you," Crimson chocked.

"I miss you, Crimson," Star said taking hold of her daughters hand.

Crimson looked up to Andy," I love you, Daddy."

"I love you, Sweetheart," he said kneeled down on his knees at her bedside taking hold of her hand along with Star.

"When will I see you again," she asked. Strangely enough Crimson could feel there hands on hers. Her mom's was gentle like her touch always had been, and her father's was gentle too yet firm. She loved the feeling. The feeling of her mother's hands that she had not felt in month's, and the feeling of her father's that she had never felt before. She never wanted this moment to end.

"When you need us we are always here with you whether you see us or not," Andy said smiling.

Crimson took a deep breath. "I don't want you to ever leave."

Star shook her head," We are always with you," she held her hand up and gently pressed it against Crimson's heart," We will always be in here whether you're thinking about us or not. We will always be in your heart for as long as you allow it, Crimson."

Crimson could not say anything. Her throat was so tight from the tears that were forming in her eyes if she even tried to speak it would not make any since, but she knew that her parents knew what she felt.

"We will always be with you," Andy said smiling.

Their daughter nodded smiling through the tears.

Star stood up and hugged her daughter. Andy stood and leaned over to kiss her on the forehead. Then they stepped back to look at the beautiful person they brought into the world. "We love you," they said together, but before Crimson could say I love you back they were gone. Next thing she knew she was staring at the white wall beside her. However, she still felt their presence. Not in the room, but in her heart where they belonged.

She smiled," I love you too," she said because she knew they would hear.


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