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Chapter 1

    The breeze is gentle and there are no clouds in the sky.

    The calm river surface suddenly rippled, and a bubble appeared on the surface...

    "Boom, boom...boom."

    The bubbles gradually became more numerous, larger, and denser, and the shadow under the bubble gradually expanded.

    Crash -

    Kinoshita suddenly burst out of the water, and his water-soaked black hair covered his fair cheeks.

    All that could be seen was the white teeth in his violently panting mouth and the looming red tongue hidden between them.

    Kinoshita struggled to swim towards the shore. He grabbed the river bank and used his arms to drag himself up to the shore. He knelt on the ground and coughed, and intermittently vomited out some river water that had entered his stomach.

    After finally regaining his composure, Kinoshita wiped his face and pushed away the hair and bangs blocking his face, revealing his young and handsome face, as well as his peculiar pair of eyes with one black eye and one blue eye.

    Kinoshita looked around in confusion. One second he was walking on the street fine, and the next second he appeared under the water.

    The sun was high in the sky, the riverbank was deserted, and the streets seemed deserted and silent.

    However, what is even more eye-catching is that not far away there are five towering black buildings standing on the ground like steel nails.

    This is……?

    Kinoshita hesitantly looked at the building that was incompatible with the surroundings. A vague sense of familiarity flashed through his mind, and soon disappeared.

    He was sure he had not seen this impressive structure anywhere else, or even heard of it.

    Countless doubts came to mind for a while, but after thinking about it again and again, Kinoshita found that his mind was still empty and he could not recall anything.

    "Oh, look what I found? Welcome to this world, my dear friend."

    A playful voice suddenly sounded.

    "Who?!" Kinoshita turned around, but there was no one in front of or behind him.


    Along with this inexplicable congratulation, there was also a strange and exaggerated burst of applause and salute as the background sound.

    The voice turned a deaf ear to Kinoshita's question, and continued to explain with great interest and mind.

    "As the host of this world, please allow me to briefly introduce it to you." "

    You have come to a different place, a stage play of great love, a world composed of three fan BL novels!"

    That said The tone of the voice gradually became excited and high-pitched, like an opera singer standing on the stage:

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