125-128: Extra 3: Movie viewing body (8-11)

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125-128: Extra 3: Movie viewing body (8-11)

Chapter 125 Extra (3) Movie viewing body P8

    Zhongyuan Zhongya saw "himself" appearing on the screen again and was about to break his guard.

    What? Why did he appear again?

    HowoldamI? ! Why is it always him! ? ? ?

    The corners of Nakahara Chuuya's mouth that originally grinned when he saw the Armed Detective Agency joke disappeared like pencil marks erased by an eraser in the blink of an eye.

    This is no longer the level of having a bucket of cold water poured over the head, but it is like a person wearing a short shirt and big pants was transported directly from the warm Hawaii to the top of the snowy mountain in Siberia, shivering, looking around only the cold snowflakes snoring. Put it in your mouth, helpless, pitiful, and miserable.

    Zhongyuan Zhongya shook his head with pain in his eyes, "No!" He has already suffered enough deaths, and he doesn't need more black history falling from the sky!

    If God has a spirit, he might also sympathize with Nakahara Chuuya's experience.

    It's a pity that God can't hear his voice, but the other person who Zhongyuan Zhongyuan least wants to see right now can.

    Dazai Osamu deliberately turned his head, facing the direction of Nakahara Chuuya, closed one eye, and stared at Nakahara Chuuya with the other open eye. The corners of his mouth curved into a W shape, and he greeted in a sensational tone:

    "Come by. Don't miss it if you pass by! Next, please watch Zhongya's large-scale performance show - Bidong's Art~"

    Zhongyuan Zhongya felt half aggrieved and half expected.

    ...This dead mackerel! He knew that such an occasion would be indispensable for that damn mackerel!

    Successfully diverting attention, Kunikida, who felt that he had escaped, turned around. He was like a person who has successfully landed looking at those who have not yet landed. His tone could not be said to be comforting, persuasive or gloating:

    "It's better." Think about it, at least it's not the first time, you have some experience."

    Zhongyuan Zhongya fisted: Thank you, you don't need this kind of experience at all!

    Zhongyuan Zhongya took a deep breath, but indeed, having experienced the previous explosion, he would not be shaken so easily again!

    In other words, the more he wavers, the more likely he will be laughed at by that bastard Osamu Dazai, and it is impossible for him to let Osamu Dazai succeed!

    Thinking about it, Zhongyuan Zhongya was mentally prepared and looked at the big screen.

    This glance made him raise a deep question mark.

    Zhongyuan Zhongya:? (Bold enlarged version)

    Nakahara Chuuya’s eyes were straight, as if he was looking at something indescribable that he couldn’t understand at all. His whole body became a stop-motion animation, and his head fell back one by one.

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