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Chapter 26

    Facing the substantial gazes of the three people, Kinoshita felt that if the gazes had warmth, he would have been burned to ashes by six high-temperature lasers, and the next step would be to turn him into a box.

    In this case, Kinoshita had to think carefully.

    In fact, among the three people, Toru Amuro is the one who is the most preferred in Kinoshita's heart.

    On the one hand, Toru Amuro is right. Now only the plot of "Undercover" has not collapsed.

    From the perspective of ensuring the plot, it is best for Kinoshita to follow Toru Amuro and protect the only survivor of the three novels, "Undercover".

    On the other hand, although these three people are not good people, they are the taller among the short ones.

    During this short period of getting along, Kinoshita could also see that Toru Amuro's personality was more normal than the other two. Staying with Toru Amuro would have a better chance of living a peaceful life instead of being on a roller coaster every day. Stimulate.

    Just as Kinoshita was about to open his mouth to explain his plan, he felt a clear pain in his waist, which cut off his attempt to speak.

    Gojo Satoru didn't say anything, but the arms he tightened suddenly and then gradually loosened seemed to have said everything.

    Kinoshita bit the tip of his tongue. He understood what Gojo Satoru meant, but he would rather not understand.

    Kinoshita knew that as long as he answered incorrectly, the arm around his waist would reveal its ferocious nature and cut him in half, allowing him to be reincarnated as a human being, ah no, to give the correct answer again.

    Although I really don't want to, in order to save my life...can I only answer Gojo Satoru?

    Just when Kinoshita reluctantly wanted to change his story, Toru Amuro suddenly said:

    "Kinoshita, why don't we forget it...()"

    Kinoshita looked back at Toru Amuro blankly.

    I saw Amuro Toru's expression was gloomy and his tone was low: It was my fault, I shouldn't have let you go with me. I thought they wouldn't mind, but it turned out to be embarrassing for you...?()_[(()"

    He His eyes hesitated to speak, but then he said considerately:

    "Don't worry, just go with them. Regarding the plot, I will figure out a solution myself."

    Kinoshita's conscience suddenly stung.

    Kinoshita didn't think twice. He retorted: "No, no, no, this is not your fault. On the contrary, I think what you said before is very reasonable!"

    Under the background of the unscrupulous Gojo Satoru, Amuro actively expressed his intention to withdraw from the competition, just to prevent Kinoshita from distressing. Tohru is like a white lotus, pure and kind, emerging from the mud and untainted.

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