118-120: Extra 3: Movie viewing body (1-3)

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118-120: Extra 3: Movie viewing body (1-3)

Chapter 118 Extra (3) Movie viewing body P1

    *This extra is about the characters in this article’s experience of watching movies in a world composed of three OOC fans.

    *The viewing method is to watch movies/anime with barrage.

    *The timeline is after Kinoshita helped the three worlds achieve perfect HE.

    *The viewers are characters who have appeared in OOC fandoms.

    *This is the author’s first attempt at this style of writing, so please forgive me if the writing is not good!


    Now, do you know such a legend?

    ——After people die, they go to the cinema.

    When you sit in a movie theater and look back at your life, do you think it's ridiculous? Will you laugh in a panic?

    Will you regret it? Will you be relieved?

    However, no matter what evaluation you make, your life...

    has come to an end at this point.


    "But I'm not dead yet!!!" The sound of collapse sounded in the theater.

    "I don't want to look back on my life yet!"

    "Why did I appear here??!"

    Atsushi Nakajima was about to cry without tears. He tried to get up in a panic, but his buttocks seemed to be stuck to the chair underneath and he couldn't move. .

    He pressed the armrests of the chairs on both sides with both hands, but no matter how hard he tried, even turning his arms into tigers, he did not cause any damage to the seats under him.

    He was confined to such a small seat.

    "Is it the enemy's superpower?!"

    "Damn it, is it another devil's conspiracy?"

    Nakajima Atsushi tried his best to look around, but everything he could see was pitch black, with only a blank and slightly illuminated huge screen in front of him. With its sense of existence.

    "Calm down, Atsushi." A familiar voice came from not far away.

    Atsushi Nakajima suddenly looked for his voice. This was Mr. Dazai's voice!

    As soon as he finished speaking, it was like turning on some switch, and the whole theater lit up.

    Atsushi Nakajima squinted slightly to adjust to the suddenly bright light.

    When he opened his eyes again, he was surprised to find that sitting in this theater were not just him and Osamu Dazai, but also some members of the Detective Agency and Port Mafia, and even many people he didn't know!

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