Park Swings

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After running for what seemed like forever, I find myself in a park i've never been to before.

It almost looks abandoned but i like it, it fits my vibe. But i don't see Bill anywhere, he's gone.

"what?" I say to myself, "Bill?" I look around, "Bill?!"

I hear rustling from the bush beside me followed by someone popping out at me, "BOO!" A voice shouts as they grab onto my arms.

"AHH!" I turn around and see Bill giggling to himself, "Not funny!" I hit his chest and laugh as i do.

"Your face! Priceless." He giggles, "And i'm sorry, but i had to."

"You're a dick." I giggle as i turn my body towards the playground but im soon pulled back.

I slightly gasp when my chest hits close to Bill's, he holds onto my wrists and smiles, "I said i'm sorry!"

"And i forgive you, stranger." A smile tugs on my lips, "I wanna go on the swings!" I grab onto his hand and pull him along with me.

I hear giggles come from Bill's mouth as we run up to the swings, "How old are you? Two?" He asks.

I roll my eyes, "Shut it, stranger!"

"I wish you'd stop calling me that." He says in a pissy way.

We get to the swings and i stop, i pull him closer to me, "Well, i'm not wrong! I met you, what, five minutes ago?"

He rolls his eyes and sits down in one of the swings, "whatever."

I sit down on the free swing and turn my attention back to Bill, he pulls something out of his pocket.

He holds a packet of cigarettes in front of me, "Want one?"
"No thanks", I chuckle, "I don't smoke."

"God, you're such a mother's girl." He chuckles, "Have some fun!"

"No, and don't speak about my mother like that." I say back more in a low tone.

He takes a cigarette out of the packet, "Did i do something?"

"It's just", I sigh, "I lost my mother in a freak accident 12 years ago, so please don't talk about her in that way."

"Shit", His face drops, "I'm so sorry."

"Don't worry, you had no idea." I reassured him, "Weird question, uh, have i met you before? You look familiar."

Bill chuckles, "By any chance, did you watch the german version of 'Top of the Pops' last night?"

"Yeah, why-" It suddenly clicks in my head who i'm actually talking to, "holy shit, you're the lead singer of that band."

He lights the cigarette and inhales, "You really had no idea who i was when i bumped into you?"

"No, i guess it just didn't click!" I scoff, "I can't believe Macy didn't tell me about you."

"Wait, you know Macy?" He asks as he exhales.

I start swinging myself slowly on the swing,
"Does she ever talk about her neighbours that she's had for the past 12 years?"

"Gosh, you're THE Maeve she's always talking about? How come she didn't mention me to you?"

I giggle, "She said she didn't have a clue about who you were."

"WHAT?! Me and my friend use to come to the youth hub all the time and talk to her." Bill places the cigarette up to his lips, "what a cheek."

He inhales his cigarette in annoyance.

"Macy doesn't really remember people, she literally has the memory of a goldfish." I chuckle, "So don't be surprised the fact she's forgotten about you."

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