Hear Me Out

148 9 6

6:45 pm

It had been hours since Tokio Hotel had done their performance, so after they finished we drove straight to the hotel and booked in.

Seen as the hotel was on the beach, i was currently getting ready for a stroll on the beach as Gustav suggested it and there's no way i could say no to Gustav.

I decided to wear a bikini top along with some shorts and a cardigan. I knew that i wasn't going to go for a swim because the sun was already set, i just wore my outfit for the vibes.

And luckily, i have a room to myself.

I look in the mirror when a slight knocking on my door catches my attention. I walk up to the door, "Just coming!"

I expect it to be Gustav or Room Service but my face grows shocked when i open the door and see
Bill stood there with his hands in his jean pockets, as per usual.

He sighs, "Hear me out."
I roll my eyes, "Come in."

Bill walks into the room as i shut the door, i walk back into my room and sit at the end of my bed.

Bill stands a distance away from me but close enough, He speaks with his head down, "I'm sorry, i shouldn't have lashed out at you." He sighs, "I had no right."

"Bill." I say softly.

"I completely get if you want to leave me and not continue with this tour."

I stand up, "Bill, listen-"

"Just know that i'm so sorry for anything i did to you and i really didn't mean to hurt you."

I stand in front of him, "Bill!"

He looks into my eyes, "what?"

I cup my hand on the side of his face before smashing my lips into his.

I feel Bill place a hand on my hip and the other on my back. I place my free hand on his shoulder and slip my tongue into his mouth.

He groans quietly before backing us up and making my body fall onto the bed, breaking the kiss.

Bill hovers over me and sighs, "Please, don't stop me this time."

"oh, i won't." I place my hands on his neck and lean up, "don't worry." I smash my lips back into his and smirk to myself about it.

I flip us over and hook my legs over his hips, i go to lean down to his neck but he stops me.

"Wait, before we do anything", He looks into my eyes, "Are you a virgin?" He brushes a piece of hair behind my ear as it had fallen in front of my face.

"No, surprisingly." I sigh, "But i've never had meaningful sex."

How i lost my virginity is really embarrassing, however.

Tiff took me to one of her parties and i met a boy, we both got drunk and fucked.
To him, it was meaningless.
He didn't know i was a virgin.
To me, it was the most painful thing i've ever experienced and have been scared to ever since.

"What do you mean, Mae?" Bill asks confused.

I look down in embarrassment, "I got drunk and lost it to another drunk boy, he didnt know and was really rough. I was in pain for days and i've been scared to have sex ever since." I sigh, "I want to have sex and it be meaningful, and not just because we feel bad for each other."

Bill places his hand on the side of my face, "How about we go on that beach walk with the others and continue this later, yeah?"

"Yeah, that's sounds like a good idea."

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