A Happy Side

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1 week later..

I'm now sat outside the airport once again, but this time i'm waiting for Tiff and Mary-Mae.
Bill and Tom moved into their new house a couple days ago but Bill said he'd definitely pop by to see Mary-Mae.

I put my sunglasses on as i step out the car, i walk around to the pavement and lean up against my car.

I grab my phone out of my pocket and decide to call Bill, just to cure my boredom of waiting.
I place the phone up to my ear.



"Hey, babe! What's up?" Bill says as he answers the phone.

I sigh, "Nothing, just waiting around for Tiff and i'm bored."

"I'm glad you called because i need to make a decision." Bill says.

"Uh oh." I chuckle, "What's that?"

"Do i or do i not, take out my dreads and have a mohawk?" Bill giggles excitedly like a child.

I laugh, "Wow, what's brought this on?"

"Mohawks are fucking cool! I want one."

"Do whatever you please, baby." I chuckle, "It's your body after all."

"Yeah, but i always let my impulses win, maybe i shouldn't this time."

I look at the exit to the airport as Bill talks on and i see Tiff with a baby carrier in one arm and a suitcase pulling the other.

I straight up, "I've got to go, i see Tiff!"

"Oo, i'll pop by later to say hi! Good luck!" Bill exclaims before hanging up the phone.

I place my phone in my pocket and put my hand up in the air, "Tiff! Tiff!" I wave my hand about as i say her name.

Tiff finally catches my attention and smile, "Mae!" She shouts back as she rushes up to me.

Tiff slightly runs up to me and lets go of her suitcase to hug her arm around me, i hug her tightly and giggle, "Oh my god, it's soo good to see you!" I pull away from the hug and look down, "Is this Mary-Mae?!"

"The one, the only!" Tiff giggles, "Wanna hold her carrier?"
"Yes, duh!"

I grab the carrier in my hand and lift it up so i could see Mary-Mae, i die of cuteness, "Damn, she looks just like Theo."

Tiff laughs, "Yes, unfortunately! But she's got my eyes, that's one good thing."

"Hm." I chuckle, "So, what are you two? Are you and Theo a couple or??"

"No, he just pays child support." Tiff says,
"Anyway, enough of that! Let's get home so i can see Paddy and Mia."

"Is that why you came? To see my dog and cat?" I giggle as i hand the carrier back to her.

"Duh! And to see my favourite person ever.." She giggles, "Bill!"

I roll my eyes, "Bitch."

"Woah, rude!" Tiff smiles, "Right, i'll go strap Mary-Mae carrier into the seat."

"I'll put your suitcase in the boot for you." I smile as i wheel her suitcase and walk over to the boot.

I open the boot and bend down to grab the suitcase but a sudden wave of nausea hits me as i stand up, "Woah." I say as my vision blurs slightly.

Tiff looks at me from the back seats, "You okay?"

"Yeah, it's just.." I sigh, "I've been feeling nauseous for the past two days and i have no idea what it is."

"Oh.. strange." Tiff says, "We're ready to go!"

I place the suitcase in the boot, "Yeah, so am i." I shut the boot, still confused at what that nausea is.


Later that evening...

Tiff sits at the breakfast bar talking to me as i make our dinner.

She giggles, "And that's how i got so drunk, i woke up in a supermarket parking lot."

I laugh as i fry onions in a pan, "Just on the gravel? Wow Tiff, i wish i'd gone to that party."

"I wish you were there, we would've had a right old laugh." Tiff laughs, "But my partying days are over now with Mary-Mae, you know i'm surprised she's asleep right now, she's never asleep for this long."

"Well she knows she's with her auntie, so she knows she has to be good." I say as i place some more ingredients into the pan.

I feel a sudden buzz in my pocket, i quickly pull my phone out of the pocket and see who it is.

Meine Liebe ❤️ calling...

I answer the phone, place it on speaker and put it down on the side, "Hey babe, are you on your way?" I say.

"Yes but um.." Bill giggles, "I let my impulse win, i have a mohawk! But i haven't styled it, it's down at the moment."

"Oh, okay." I laugh, "As long as you still look good, i'm not mad! But make sure you're on your way!"

"I'm getting in the car as we speak!" Bill giggles, "Ich liebe dich!"

"I love you too, Bill." I smile before hanging up the phone.

I look up at Tiff and see her giggling, i chuckle, "Yes before you ask, he is a 5 year old trapped in a 20 year olds body."

Tiff shrugs, "He's just expressing himself, i guess." She looks at the pan, "Hey, what are you cooking again?"

"Paella!" I say, "You know, it's weird! I've been craving it all week and i've never been a big fan of it, i've been having these crazy cravings along with the nausea." I chuckle, "I can't tell if i'm ill or not." I say as i look up at Tiff.

She sighs, "Maeve?"

"Yes?" I say confused.

"Do you have any pregnancy tests in your bathroom?" She says.

"Yes, why? I keep them just in case but you can't seriously be pregnant this quickly." I chuckle.

Tiff huffs out, "It's not for me, Mae."

"What do you mean.." It suddenly clicks in my head, "What?! Me, pregnant?!"

"Think about it, have you been randomly sick these past couple mornings?" Tiff says.

I stutter, "Yeah, i just thought i had a bad belly."

"So morning sickness, nausea and weird cravings." Tiff slightly chuckles, "I'll watch the food, go take one!"

"Okay, thank you!" I say as i rush out of the kitchen and throw myself into the bathroom door.

I close the door behind me and lean against it, i huff out and bend down to under the sink where i keep all my stuff i don't in.

I open the cabinet and rummage through a basket where i find one, "Holy shit, i'm really doing this." I say to myself as i stand up and move over to the toilet.

I unravel the pregnancy test and look at it, "Please for the love of christ, be negative! He's only been back a couple weeks!"

15 minutes later..

I look down at the pregnancy test that i placed back in the wrapper, i chew the insides of my mouth before huffing out, "i've got to do it at some point." I shake my hands, "Okay, just do it, Maeve." 

I hold the test in my hand and take it out the wrapper...

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