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Bill's pov

"holy shit.." I mutter as i read the tattoo on Mae's hip, "Property of Bill Kaulitz, who told you to get that?!"

Maeve shrugs, "I was pissed out of my mind, so i don't know! But my belly button is pierced too."

She lifts up her shirt more to reveal her piercing, "Apparently, Tom encouraged me to get a tattoo and a piercing."

"You do know that's on your hip, for life?!." I say still in disbelief.

"Yeah, well i hope to be with you for life!" Mae sighs.
I put my head down, "I, i need space."

"What?" Maeve says as her voice breaks.

"I need space." I feel my eyes well up as i speak.

I feel Maeve place her hand on the side of my face and lift it up, she looks into my eyes and smiles,
"I understand, my love." I watch as tears form in her eyes as she speaks, "Happy birthday, Bill."

She pulls away from my embrace and i hear sobs leave her mouth as she turns around and walks out the room.

I wipe the tears from my eyes as i walk over to my end and sit down on it, i grab the gift bag that Mae had given me and look through it.

I smile, "Skittles." I say to myself as i take them out the bag and smile.

Also sat in the bag was a small stuffed teddy bear, a bunny.

I take it out the bag and feel as tears run down my face as i smile at the teddy bear. I place the teddy bear on my lap and take out the last thing from the bag, a card.

I open the card quickly and scan my eyes through
the writing.

To the strongest, most beautiful boy i know.

Happy 17th birthday, Billy.

I know in this moment and time you probably don't want to even know who i am! And i completely understand that.

I just wish you had told me that today was your birthday.

Just know that the guilt of last night is eating me up, i never meant to hurt you in anyway.

Even if i have already said it so many times, i'm so sorry.

I don't want to give up on us, you are the light in my life i thought id never have.

I love you Bill, and i hope you still love me.

From your girl,
Maeve x

I read her writing as my tears land on the card.

As much as her words are hurting both of us, i think time and space is all we need.

After all, every romance shakes and it bends.


Maeve's pov

Tears fall down my eyes as i walk out of Bill's room and to the stairs.

I rush down the stairs and make my way to the front room where Tom, Georg and Gustav are all playing something on their Ps2.

They all stop and look at me, Tom stands up immediately, "What happened? Do i need to go punch Bill and knock some sense into him?"

"No, no!" I say, "We forgave each other."

"Oh." Tom says as he stands in front of me, "Why are you crying then?"

"He said he needed space." I sniff, "So that's exactly what i'm going to give him."

"Well, you're getting a hug because i don't like seeing you like this." Tom says as he leans forward and practically bear hugs me, nearly making me fall over.

"Hm." I giggle, "Happy birthday, Tom."

"Thank you." Tom smiles as he pulls away.

"Right, i best be off." I say.

Gustav stands up, "Want me to drive you home?"

"No, it's only a five minute walk, i'll be fine!" I smile, "Goodnight, boys."

"Night." They all say in unison as i turn and walk to the front door.

I open the front door and walk out of it, shutting it behind me.

As i walk up the driveway, i examine the flowers one last time before walking onto the pavement. I look up at the night sky, how the stars shine bright as the moon sits half full in the sky.

I wince as the cold wind bites at the wet tears freeze on my face.

Well, that's just my luck.

5 minutes later..

I open the door to my house, "I'm home!"

"We're in the front room!" Phil shouts happily.

I walk into the living room and see Julie crocheting something as Phil watches the tv. I smile as i walk up behind the sofa, "I'm off to bed."

"Wait! Before you go!" Julie said as she pats the seat next to her, "I need to talk to you."

"Oh, yeah." I say as i climb over the sofa and sit down next to Julie.

She puts her things down and turns to me, "PC Skys phoned me this morning." Julie sighs, "You and Tiff need to plan your father's funeral."

"Oh." I put my head down, "Um, when?"

"As soon as possible, he said." Julie places her hand on top of mine, "And we'll be with you every step of the way."

"Yeah, of course." I sigh, "I'd just really like to go to bed, i've had an awful day."

Julie smiles, "Of course, goodnight sweetie."

I smile at her as i stand up and walk out the room, i walk to the stairs and up them.

As i reach my bedroom door, i see Elliot and Midnight sat outside waiting to get to the bed.

I giggle at them as i open the door to let them in, i quickly follow in behind them and sit down on my bed.

I take out my phone from my pocket, i have to text Bill.

I knew that tonight was the night, but i can't go without saying something to Bill.

I pull up Bill's contact and immediately start typing as tears fall from my eyes.

i'm so sorry, billy. i have to do this. i love you, baby. and it wasn't your fault, this was my decision.

Bill's pov

I stare up at the ceiling eating the skittles Mae had got me while laying on my bed, when i feel a buzz in my pocket. I take out my phone and see the notification.

One new message from: Mae, my future wife ❤️

Huh, why is she texting me? We just saw each other.

I open the text.

i'm so sorry, billy. i have to do this. i love you, baby. and it wasn't your fault, this was my decision.

oh fuck!
I start panicking.

Mae, baby! What do you mean??



I jump out of my bed and run out my room, i shoot down the stairs and head for the front door.

I don't even bat an eyelid at the others, i just open the door and start running as tears stream down my face.

She can't be that stupid, she can't do it!

Oh god, what if i'm late?!
What if it's too late?!

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