Feels Like I Cant Move

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Maeve's pov

I pull away slightly from Bill's embrace, "You punched someone?!" I say in disbelief, "Bill Kaulitz, i would have never thought!"

"What?" Bill chuckles, "You would too if you kept getting called names everyday."

"You really did have a shit life before all of this." I hum.

Bill shrugs, "The funny thing is, Scott tried to reach out to me now i'm famous! So did half the damn school."

I sit up, seen as i was snuggled up to Bill and place my hand on his bare chest, "Well i'm glad you stuck up for yourself."

He smirks at me before running his hand under my bra strap, as i was in my bra and underwear, he pulls it back slightly and pings it making it slap against my skin.

I chuckle, "Any need for that?"

"I felt like doing it." Bill shrugs, "Sudden

I smile before slowly laying my head back down on his chest, i place my hand on his star tattoo and close my eyes gently.

"Goodnight, Billy."

Bill hums, "Goodnight, love."

As Bill leans over and turns off the lamp to make the room go dark, i slowly slip my hand further down his body to his boxers, i slip my hand only slightly into the hem of his boxers and rest my hand there.

Bill doesn't say anything about it, he just pulls me into him embrace closer as tiny snores leave his mouth.

I smile to myself as i slowly drift off into a deep sleep.


1:46 am

I'm woken up suddenly by a bang running through my ears, what the fuck?

It almost sounded like a, gunshot?

I quickly sit up in shock, "the fuck?" I whisper to myself, but i obviously didn't do it quietly as i see Bill's eyes slightly flutter open.

I look to my side, where Bill lays, and look into his confused sleepy eyes.

"A nightmare?" Bill mumbles trying to keep his eyes open.

"Not quite." I say, "Did you hear that bang?"
"What bang, love?"
I close my eyes in confusion and stutter, "Don't worry, go back to sleep."

No response.

I open my eyes and realise Bill had already fallen back asleep, i swear that boy could sleep forever if he really wanted to.

I fling the cover away from my body and swing my legs over the side of the bed, i grab Bill's top that was dumped on the floor earlier and place it over my body.

I step up from the bed and creep out of the room, i open the door quietly and step out before shutting it behind me.

I walk up to Tom's room and knock on the door gently.

I hear a quiet voice reply, "Come in!"

I open the door and poke my head in, i see Tom sat on his bed with a guitar on his lap.

"I'm glad you're up." I sigh as i step into his room, "I need to talk to someone."

"What about Bill?" Tom questions as i shut his bedroom door.

I chuckle as i walk up to his bed, "That boy falls asleep within seconds, there would be no point." I sit next to Tom, "Honestly, he could sleep through a war."

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