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"holy shit." I say as i look down at the positive pregnancy test in my hands, "holy shit." I look up at sleeping Maeve, she's pregnant?!

We're going to be parents?!

Out of shock, i chuck the stick back in the drawer and close it. I stand up and awkwardly walk to the door, i open the door and quickly rush out of it.

I shut the door behind me and let out a big sigh, "I, what?!" I grab my phone out of my pocket and rush to the patio doors, i open them and step out on the patio as i press onto a contact.

I place my phone up to my ear as i sit down in one of the patio chairs and wait.



"Yo, bro! what's up?" Tom says as he answers the phone.

"Tom.." I sigh, "Maeve is pregnant."

"WHAT? Holy shit!" Tom says, just a shocked as me.

"You can't tell anyone that i know, okay? Maeve obviously didn't want me finding the pregnancy test!" I stress, "Tom, i'm going to be a parent."

"If Mae didn't want you finding it, how did you?"

I scoff, "Well, i thought i'd be helpful and clean up the clutter on her bedside table, only to find the pregnancy test in her bedside table drawer!"

Tom chuckles, "Bro, i'm going to be an uncle."

"I don't even know if she'll keep it." I sigh, "Think about 2006 when she last got pregnant."

"Well, you two didn't really have a choice of keeping that baby." Tom replied, "Look, i'm sure she will."

"Yeah, you're right." All the dots suddenly click in my head, "Tiff, she knew!" I say, "I'll, um, call you back, Tom!"

"Please don't, i need my beauty sleep."

I hang up the phone and put it in my pocket as i storm back into the house, i walk up to the guest room door and storm in.

There sits Tiff on the bed feeding Mary-Mae a bottle, she looks at me confused, "Everything okay?"

"You knew Maeve was pregnant, and you didn't tell me?!" I say, sort of loudly.

Tiff sighs, "You found the pregnancy test, didn't you?" She shrugs, "Well, i only found out about an hour ago."

"You still could've told me!" I cross my arms.

"Bill!" Tiff chuckles, "It wasn't my secret to tell."

"I don't know if i'm even ready to be a parent!" I sigh, "I don't know."

"Look." Tiff sighs, "Neither was i, but trust me, Mary-Mae is the best thing that has ever happened to me." She says, "Just talk to Maeve when she wakes up, okay?"

I nod, "Good idea." I say, "Thank you."

"You're welcome." She smiles, "Now, get out! I want to sleep."

"Yes, ma'am."


In the morning...

Maeve's pov

My eyes flutter open.

As they open, i see a couple painkillers and some water on my bedside table. Seen as i still felt like complete shit, i sit up and grab them both straight away.

I place the painkillers on my tongue and swallow the water fast.

I hear a slight chuckle as i finish the water, i take the glass away from my mouth and look to the side.

There lays Bill looking up at me smiling, "Calm down, it's not going to run away."

I sigh as i look at him knowing i'll have to tell him about me being pregnant at some point, "We need to talk."

"Uh oh." Bill sits up, "Don't say you're leaving me  again."

I turn to my bedside table, "No, it's.. something else." I open and reach into the drawer, "Bill, i'm.. um." I grab the stick in my hand and turn to him, "Bill, i'm-"

"Pregnant?" He says as i look into his eyes.

I look at him confused, "What..? How did you-"

"I thought i'd be helpful last night and put some things back into the drawer of your bedside table, and.." Bill says quietly.

I sigh, "And you found it." I groan, "Should've listen to Tiff, i'm so stupid."

"You're not stupid." Bill says as he places his hand ontop of mine, the one with the pregnancy stick in, "This is our future, baby." He place his other hand on my stomach as i turn my head to look at him.

I hum, "You really want that?"

"You, me and the baby?" Bill smiles, "Of course, my love."

"You're being serious?" I say, still not convinced.

Bill rolls his eyes, "Yes, Maeve! Of course!"

I smile before hugging my arms around him tight, positioning my legs around his waist, "I'm so glad." I sigh, "So glad." I gasp, "Omg, we should tell Tom!"

Bill breathes between his teeth and pulls a face, "I, maybe, already did."

I sit up and slap his chest playfully, "Bill!" I say annoyed.

"Who else did you expect me to call? I found a positive pregnancy test in my girlfriend's drawer and you didn't expect me to call Tom?" Bill giggles, "You expect me to call the pope or something?"

"Of course not." I giggle, "But don't go telling Georg and Gustav, because i wanna do that!" I sulk as i cross my arms.

Bill smiles, "Of course i wont."

I gasp suddenly, "Julie, Phil! I have to tell them."

I jump up from my bed and shoot out the room, I slide across the floor as i run to the phone that's hung up on the kitchen wall.

I take it off the rack and dial the numbers in as quick as i could.



"Hello, This is Julie speaking." Julie says as she answers the phone.

"Ma! I have something to tell you." I say excited.

"Oh, hey sweetie! You caught me in time, it's night here over in Deutschland!" Julie giggles, "What is it?"

"So you know how i'd been feeling like absolute crap this last week." I say.

"Yes, oh god! Don't tell me you've got an illness."

"Well, technically." I sigh, for the dramatics.

"Oh, sweetie." Julie sighs, "What is it?"

"If having a baby counts as an illness, i'm ill as fuck." I giggle, "IM PREGNANT!"


"No way!" I hear Phil say in the background.

"YES!" Julie squeals, "Oh, i'm so happy!" Julie sighs, "How did Bill take it?"

"He's happy to be a parent with me." I smile.

"That's wonderful! Oh, i send my love." She coos, "I love talking to you, but it's past my bedtime."

"Okay, ma." I smile, "Bye."

"Bye, sweetie."

I smile as i hang the phone back on the wall, i lean against the wall and smile to myself.

Oh my god, this is really happening.

Pinch. Me. Now.

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