Paparazzi Is Not Okay

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After eating pancakes and feeling Bill's eyes burning into me and Tom, we went back up to our room to pack our bags.

Luckily, i didn't unpack a lot of my stuff so i was packed and ready in five minutes.

I wheel my suitcase up to the door and realised Bill had left his spare keycard in my room, i grab the keycard in my hand and place it in my pocket.

I take my keycard and walk up to the door before walking out, i shut my door and skip up to Bill's room. I open Bill's door and prop it open slightly before smiling, "Bill, babe! You left your spare key in my room."

No answer, just the sound of shoving.

"Bill?" I walk into the room and see Bill shoving his stuff into his suitcase. I walk up to him and place my hand on his shoulder, "Bill, what's wrong?"

He doesn't respond to me, he just continues packing his clothes into his suitcase.

I breathe out before stepping behind him, i wrap my arms around his waist and rest my head on his back.

Bill stops with his packing and lets out a big sigh, "I'm not mad at you." He says in a low tone, "I'm mad at Tom."

"Why, baby?" I say softly, "What did he do?"

"He was obviously flirting with you", Bill turns around and sighs as he looks me in the eyes. I look up at him and chuckle, "Tom was being nice, all he did was hand me a menu."

"But the comments he made to you-" Bill speaks but i interrupt him.

"Bill, it meant nothing." I place my hand on the side of his face, "Tom is being friendly, he would never do anything like that to you! Trust me, i know."

Bill sighs, "Are you sure?"


He smiles before leaning forward and kissing my lips, I smile against his lips and pull away gently.
"You need to pack, they'll all be waiting for us." I hum gently before pulling away from his embrace.

Bill turns around and goes back to pack.

I stand behind him, "Hurry up." I giggle before slapping his ass and walking off.

I hear him gasp in shock along with footsteps, before i knew it, i felt two arms suddenly wrap around my waist and lift me up.

"BILL!" I giggle as i scream.

Bill giggles in my ear, "Don't do that, again!" He put my feet back on the ground but held onto me.

"I'm sorry!" I laugh out, "It was the perfect opportunity!"

I hear Bill giggle as he holds onto me, i feel his grip get tighter.

"Bill Kaulitz, get off me." I say while laughing, "You have to pack!"

Bill rests his head on my shoulder and nuzzles his head into my neck, "Can't we just stay?"

"No", I say as i calm down, "Unfortunately not, which is sad because that means we have to sleep on the awful bus beds again." I sigh.

He mumbles, "I know."

I turn around and face Bill, "Now please, go pack!" I slightly chuckle.
Bill lets go of me and smiles, "Yes ma'am."

As Bill walks off, i feel a slight buzz in my pocket. I reach into my pocket and pull out my buzzing phone, i flip it open and look at who's calling.

Tom🎸 calling...

I place the phone up to my ear, "What's up?"

"Are you and Bill nearly ready? We have to leave in 10 and it'll only take longer, there's already fan girls outside the hotel."

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