Night Number One

100 9 2

20:37 pm

After dinner, i went up to my new room and started unpacking everything, i also got changed into my pjs which is a simple vest top and shorts.

I was hanging up some clothes in my wardrobe when i hear a notification come from my laptop.

I hang the piece of clothing up and walk over to my bed where my laptop is. I sit down on my bed and open up my laptop.

Tiff 🤍 calling...

I smile as i accept the call, "Tiff!"

"Maeve!" Tiff exclaimed as she popped up on the screen, "So how is everything? Is the new house okay?"

"Tiff, they have cats!" I move my laptop camera so Tiff could see Midnight and Elliot, as they were lying on my bed sleeping.

"Aww! How adorable!" Tiff says, "What are their names?"

"The dark-grey one is called Midnight and the ginger one is called Elliot! Elliot is a bit antisocial but Midnight loves me." I smile, "Enough about cats, how are you finding your new home?"

"It's okay." Tiff huffs, "My foster parents are fostering another kid called Lila, she's a bit of a bitch."

My face drops, "Wait, who?"

"Lila?" Tiff says confused, "Do you know her?"

"I, uh." I stutter, "No."

"Anyway, she's got a new boyfriend, seen as her last one broke up with her and he's my age! and kinda hot, his name is Scott." Tiff says, "She never said who her ex was though."

What the actual fuck is happening??

Lila, Bill's ex, is dating Scott, Bill's old school bully!

I sit there confused, "Well, uh, don't sleep with him, i guess?"

"I'll try not to, but other than Lila, it's alright here." Tiff sighs, "It sucks the fact we're on the opposite sides of town, but it is closer to my school now so that's good!" She exclaims, "Have your foster parents talked to you about school yet?"

"No, not yet." I say, "I think they're letting me settle in first."

"That's good, better than mine! They're sending me straight back to school tomorrow." Tiff sighs, "They're trying to make me forget this morning
even happened."

"Really? Wow, i really did get the nicer one, didn't i?" I laugh.

Tiff giggles, "Yup! I bet you they'll go all nice when Skys comes and does a visit."

I look at her confused, "Hm?"

"You do know that Skys and a social worker will come over every couple months or so to see how we're doing?" Tiff laughs, "Did he really not tell you?"

"He obviously forgot, but it's fine." I laugh, "As nice as it is talking to you Tiff, i promised Bill i'd call him tonight too."

"Don't let me get in the way of your love life, Mae." Tiff smiles, "I'm happy for you."

"I love you, Tiff."

"I love you too, Mae." Tiff says as she hangs up the call.

Straight after, i immediately go to Bill's contact and let it ring.

Calling: Bill❤️...

Bill's smiley face pops up as he sits at his desk in his room, "hey, you."

"hey, baby." I smile, "What are you doing?"

"Jerking off." Bill says, leaving me shocked.
I sit there in disbelief as Bill giggles.

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