Come On!

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TW⚠️: slight smut

"Like this." Bill says as he places his hand on the side of my face, he leans forward slightly and places his other hand on my leg propping it up on his hip.

I lean up and place my hands on his neck before closing the gap between our lips.

He pushes me onto my desk and sits my body on it, not breaking the kiss. He pushes his hard on up against me, making sure i know how i'm making him feel.

He slips his tongue into my mouth and brushes it over my lips, making me shiver at his tongue bar touching my lips.

As he moves the hand he had on my face down my body, a few knocks land on the door. I gasp and pull away, "Uh, who is it?!"

"Just me, Liza! I brought up your material delivery." Liza says happily.

"Give me a second, i'm, uhhh, just measuring!" I turn to Bill and whisper, "Look like i was measuring you." I say as i get up.

I straighten myself up and clear my throat before opening the door, i smile, "Oh my god, thank you for getting that for me."

Liza hands me the box, "Anytime, lovely! Don't have too much fun." She giggles as she walks off.

"I won't!" I fake giggle back before walking into the room and shutting the door with my foot, i sigh as i walk into the room and place the box on my desk.

I grab a pair of scissors and open the box, i rip it open and start looking through the material.
Bill clears his throat, making me look up. He shrugs, "Are we going to talk about what just happened?"

I breathe out, "No, Bill." I say, "We had a fun five minutes, now let's be professional, okay?"

"Maeve, come on." Bill says, "You're letting your boyfriend have fun with other people, so why not you? You'd both be equal."

"Because you're my client." I say as i look into his eyes, "I'm aware we had a past but it's called a past for a reason." I walk around the desk and up to Bill, i place my hand on the side of his face, "i love you so much and it was killing me how i couldn't admit it."

He snuggles his face into my hand, "But, you can Maeve, and we can live a life together! One that we were supposed to."

"I know." I sigh, "God, i know."

"Please, just let me try again." Bill says, "I'll be a better boyfriend than i was last time."

I stutter, "Let me end things with Christian, and i'll see, okay?"

He places his hands on my hips, "Thank you, so much."

"Okay, now going back to professionals." I chuckle, "I can't see you tomorrow night, i'm having dinner with Julie and Phil but the night after are you free?"

"Yes, but." Bill says, "What's the earliest time you can come into work?"

"I can come here whenever i like, whatever time." I smile, "Why?"

"Because i was thinking we could have an appointment a little earlier." Bill says as he pulls my body in closer to his, "Because i was thinking we could go for drinks, Tom is begging to see you again."

I smile, "How about Tuesday at 5:30 for the appointment?"

Bill smiles back, "Sounds like a plan to me." Bill giggles, "Do you still get drunk after having too many beers?"

I laugh, "Fuck yeah!"

He giggles, "Right i best be off." Bill says as he moves out of my embrace and turn his head to Paddy, "Bye, Paddy!"

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