You're Just As Innocent

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17:45 pm

Me and Tom sat at the table in Mae's hospital room playing the card game, Cheat.

Tom decided to stay with me at the hospital as Tiff had to go home, Georg and Gustav had to sort out band stuff.

I knew that Julie and Phil were at the police station being questioned and i didn't want Mae to be alone in this time, so i stayed and so did Tom.

I place two cards down on the pile of cards in front of me, "Two sixes."

Tom looks at me funny, "Cheat!"

I smirk as i flip the cards over, revealing two sixes.

Tom groans as i hand him the pile of cards that had built up as the game went on, "I could've sworn you were cheating!"

"Well, i clearly wasn't!" I giggle.

(if you don't know what Cheat is, search it up!!)

Tom goes to place down some cards but the hospital room door opens suddenly catching our attention.

In comes PC Skys, he makes eye contact with me, "Good evening, Mr Kaulitz."

"Evening, Sir." I responded back knowing what he had come in here for.

I knew that he'd come in here to question me about this situation about Mae.

Skys shuts the door behind him, "Is it okay if i speak to you?" He looks at Tom, "Alone."

I shrug, "Yeah, sure."

Tom pipes up, "But we're in the middle of a game of cheat."

I smile, "We'll continue it after, just go get a coffee and some snacks."

Tom rolls his eyes as he gets up, "Whatever."

"Get me some please!" I say as Tom walks out the room and shuts the door behind him.
Skys walks up to the table and sits in the seat Tom was just in, "I'm sure you know why i'm here." He says as he gets his notepad out.

I sigh, "To question me about Maeve, yes i know."
Skys looks at his notepad and starts writing, "What were you doing yesterday night at 6:30 in the evening?"

"I was laying on my bed starring at the ceiling while eating the skittles Maeve has got me, as it was my birthday, and got a text from her suddenly." I responded back.

"And can you tell me what this message said, please?" Skys speaks as he writes down on his notepad quickly.

I stutter as i reach into my pocket for my phone, "Uh, yeah, sure."

I flip open my phone and go to Maeve's contact where i click on our last chat.

I gulp down as i read the message in my head and remember the feeling of my heart dropping when i first read it that night.

Skys clears his throat, "Whenever you're ready."

I gulp, " 'i'm so sorry, billy. i have to do this. i love you, baby. and it wasn't your fault, this was my decision.' That's what she had texted me."

"And when did you get that message?" Skys asks,

I sigh, "At 18:32, sir."

"Right." Skys looks up at me, "And what did you do after that?"

"I got up from my bed and rushed out the house to get to Maeve, as i knew that Julie and Phil would have no idea what she had done." I say as i remember the adrenaline rush i got from that run, "I remember running down the cold streets only thinking of Maeve, and questioning myself, what if i don't get there in time?"

"When you got to Maeve's house, what did you do?"

I gulp, "I knock on the front door really loudly so Julie or Phil could hear, Julie answered the door and i pushed past her. I ran upstairs to Maeve's room and rush into her room, i didn't see her until i saw a small pool of blood forming from underneath her bathroom door."

I feel my eyes well up, "I kicked and shoved at the door until it finally opened and i saw Maeve on the floor with a empty pill bottle and a blade with blood on it sat next to her. I fell to the floor and picked up her limp body in my arms, that's when Julie came in and shouted at Phil to call an ambulance." I wipe the tears from my eyes quickly, "On my birthday as well."

Skys looks at me and puts his notepad down, he crosses his arms, "Do you want to get it all out?"

I look at him confused, "What do you mean?"

"Pretend i'm not a detective, not professional! Just let it all out, everything you want to say."

Skys reassures me, "You look like you're about to burst, so just let it all out."

I cross my arms, "I'm not mad at Mae at all, it wasn't her fault she felt like that. But the night before, she kissed my brother and i know it was a drunken mistake but it still hit me!"

I say as the tears fall down my face, "It hit me like a brick, a real stab to the heart. But we forgave each other, i forgave her for what she did and she forgave me for the words i say, then i said i needed space. I really didn't want space, i wanted her by my side and in my arms but i knew if we didn't have space, we'd break eventually. So i sent her home and she cut herself along with swallowing a bottle of pills."

I say angrily now, "And part of me think she did this because of me! Mae wouldn't have done this if i didn't send her home, if i kept her safe in my arms, she would've been fine. It's all my fault."

Skys sighs, "Now, don't take offence to this, Bill." He says, "But get out of your own head."

I look at him annoyed, "What's that supposed to mean?"

"It wasn't your fault, Maeve did this on her own account." Skys said, "But, for sure, it wasn't her fault! We might never know whose fault it was, but it for sure wasn't your fault Bill." He sighs, "You're innocent, as innocent as everyone else i've questioned."

"Why are you questioning us then?" I ask, "If you know we're all innocent?"

"So we know what we can do for Maeve when she wakes up." Skys says, "Now, how about i make an arrangement to get you a blow-up bed so you can actually get a good nights sleep? Sounds like a plan?"

I nod, "Thank you."

"Anytime." Skys says as he stands up, "Right, i best be off! Nice talking to you, Bill."

I briefly smile as he walks out of the room and Tom comes back in with two coffees and a massive bag of skittles.

I tut, "Skittles? You're going to turn into a skittle if you eat more."

"Well." Tom chuckles, "You are what you eat." He sits down and places the coffees down on the table, "Are you staying here tonight?"

"I'm staying until she wakes up, Tom." I say as i take a sip of my coffee and look over at sleeping Mae, "I want to be by her side when she wakes up."

"Well, i'll go home tonight and bring some fresh clothes for you tomorrow, is that okay?" Tom says, "As much as i don't want to leave you, Ma will be wondering where we are."

"Yeah, of course." I smile, "Tell her to pop by at some point, after all she does love Maeve like her own."

"I'll go home." Tom devilishly smirks as he picks up his cards, "After we finish Cheat."

I pick up my cards, "Oh, it's on."

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