Unknown Caller

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My eyes flutter open slowly, I smile to myself as i know how much of a good night we had last night.

I go to turn over and say good morning to Bill but i'm slightly shocked when i don't see anyone there. All there is, a note left on the pillow. I sit up and grab the note in my hand, "What an earth?"

My eyes scan over the note.

as much as i love staying with you, tour stuff has come up. thank you for last night.
i love you :)

A wave of betrayal runs through my body, was i just a one night stand to him?!

"Un-fucking-believable." I say as i feel my eyes well up out of betrayal.

I turn back over and grab my phone off my bedside table, my hands shake as i go to my contacts to find someone. I place the phone up to my ear and sigh.



"Hey, sweetie! What's up?" Julie answers the phone happily.

"When are you going to be home?" I say as my voice slightly breaks.

"By lunchtime." Julie's tone changes, "What's wrong, sweetheart?"

I bite my lip trying to hold my tears back, "Me and Christian broke up, and Bill used me as a one night stand." My eyes well up, "I want my ma."

"We're leaving now, honey!" Julie says, "Just hold on in, okay?"

"I'll try." I cry.

Julie sighs, "I love you, sweetheart."

"I love you too, ma." I say before hanging up the phone.

As i put my phone down, i had soon realised how much of a bad dog and cat mum i had been, they've been stuck in the guest room all night!

I jump out of bed, "oh shit." As i rush through my room, i pick up my underwear and a top that was just laying around and put them on as i rush.


I run out of my room and throw myself into the guest room door, as i open it i see Mia on the bed and Paddy laying on the floor with a big smile on his face.

I fall to my knees in front of Paddy, "I'm so sorry for leaving you guys in here! Come here, Mi-mi."

I say as i pat my lap, she gets up from the bed lazily and walks over to me, curling up into my lap.

I pat Paddy's head and stroke Mia's body, "I'm so sorry, mumma was stupid." I say as tears fall from my eyes, "I was so stupid to let that man have my heart once again." I look down at my scarred arm, "So fucking stupid." I brush my fingers past them making a cold shiver run through my body.

As i brush my finger past the scars, i feel a paw land in my open hand, i look up and see Paddy looking at me as if to say that everything is going to be okay.

Tears stream down my face, "Oh, Paddy." I smile, "At least one boy loves me." I smile as i rub his paw with my thumb gently.

I stay there on the floor in the comfort of my pets, as sometimes that's all you need in life.

5 minutes later..

I stay on the floor with Paddy and Mia as i hear the front door open suddenly, i knew it was Julie and Phil as i gave them a spare key to my house.
"Honey?! Where are you?!" I hear Julie shout, concerned about if i had done something stupid to myself.

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