Kinda Wish

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The next day..

17:05 pm

I walk into my office, as me and Bill have an appointment today and i also have to go out for drinks with him after.

That is going to be awkward.

Today, instead of bringing Paddy, i brought Mia with me to the office as she never seems to come. I shut my office door and place Mia on my desk so she can wonder around, I immediately grab the box of material from the other day and my note pad.

I walk up to the manikin and sewing machine i have and place the box by my feet, i open up my notepad to look at the measurements i got of Bill the other and think.

"Hm.." I hum as my brain spirals.

I bend down and open the box of materials, i rummage through the box to find a material.
My eyes widen in satisfaction, "Perfect." I say as i hold a piece of black, leather material in my hands.

I stand back up and immediately place it on the table in front of me, i take my scissors and start cutting out the back and the front of the top half part of the costume.

I lose track of time as i start sewing the pieces of fabric together with my sewing machine, but small knocks land on my office door taking me out of my trace.

"Come in!" I say as i continue to sew the pieces together.

I hear the door open and close shortly after along with a chuckle, "Hey, love."

I turn my head and see Bill stood there with a smile on his face, i roll my eyes, "Hello, Mr Kaulitz."
"Maeve, i think we're past the staying professional phase." Bill says as i hear him walk up to me.

I take the pieces of fabric i sewed together and place the on the manikin, completing the first part of my masterpiece, "Respectfully, be quiet, i'm working." I say as i turn around to him.

Bill looks at me confused as he steps closer to me, "What have i done, now?"

"I don't know, Bill." I cross my arms, "You tell
He shrugs highly confused at me, "I really don't know, Mae."

"Really?" I chuckle sarcastically, "Well, i kinda wish you woke me up to say goodbye and not leave me a stupid fucking note!" I say as i throw my arms up in the air.

Bill furrows his eyebrows in confusion, "It was three in the morning when i had to leave, i didn't want to wake you! You seemed peaceful."

"Wake me the fuck up then, next time!" I almost shout, "Now, i'm trying to work."

"Fine." Bill crosses his arms, "But i'm staying in here and you still coming out for drinks, whether you like it or NOT." He storms off to my desk and slouches down in my chair as he looks at Mia, "Oh, that's one adorable cat." I hear him say to himself as i place some pins into the costume to hold it together.

Was i wrong to lash out at him, i think to myself as i place the pins into the outfit.

No, he had no right to just leave me a note! But i do get that he's busy.
But im a human being too-

"ahh!" I say as i'm taken out of my own head by a sudden pinch in my finger, i look at my finger and see a pin sticking out of it, "holy shit." I mutter to myself.

I hear Bill slightly gasp, making me turn my head to him, "There's a first aid kit in the top drawer of the desk, get it!" I say to him as i grab at my finger in pain.

I hear as Bill scurried around my desk until he finds the first aid kit, he rushes up to me and places the kit on the table beside us.

He opens it up and grabs a plaster before turning back to me, "Stay still." Bill gently grabs the pin out of my finger and places it on the table as he opens the plaster.

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