Reunited At Last

80 7 2

Maeve's pov

I walk out of my room after getting changed, I changed into some low rise, black jeans that show off a small part of my stomach, paired with a grey vest top and a jacket.

I walk up to where my car keys are hung and take them off the hook, i turn back to the kitchen, "Bill?"

He turns around and looks at me, seen as he was still sat at the breakfast bar, and hums, "Yes?"

I chuck my car keys at him, "I'm assuming you know where we're going for drinks, so you're driving."

Bill catches the keys, "Okay, that's fine-"
"You even make a slight scratch on my car and i will kill you." I turn to the front door, "Come on!"

"Is that a threat?" Bill giggles, "I don't wanna go now!"

I roll my eyes and turn around to him giggling, "Come on, i wanna see my old besties!" I walk to the door and open it. I walk out and leave it open so Bill could follow up behind me as i walk up to the car.

I hop into the passenger side as Bill hops into the drivers side, he turns to me, "Are you ready, meine liebe?"

("my love?")

I smile, "Of course."

He turns on the engine and off we go through the streets of suburbia. As we drive through the streets, i suddenly remember a funny story from when i first moved here.

"I just remembered something." I say as i try not to giggle.

Bill looks at me briefly, "Tell me!"

"My old neighbours, they moved about a year ago, was a husband and wife in their 30s and the husband had a group of friends with all the other husbands and dads that live around here." I giggle, "They called themselves, Kings Of Suburbia."

Bill chuckles briefly, "That would be a great album name, damn."

"Now, i come to think of it." I shrug as i laugh, "It is, you're right." I say, "Anyway, they moved and the friend group was no longer."

"That's a shame." Bill laughs, "I would've loved to be a member."


18:30 pm

We arrive into the busy city of LA, and i must admit i love driving through the busy streets as the tall, well lit buildings tower over me.

I look out the window when i hear Bill clear his throat.
"Now, i'm warning you now." Bill says, making me look his way.

I look at him confused, "What?"

"When we get to the restaurant, there's no doubt there'll be a bunch of paparazzi and fangirls." He says, "Just cover your eyes and don't answer any questions."

"Oh, okay." I tut, "Have they really been that bad?"

"Yup!" Bill exclaims, "But i think 2008 was the worst! Naked girls used to jump on our cars when we were trying to get somewhere, Tom loved it for sure but i didn't!"

I laugh, "Wow, you guys really are lady magnets."

"It just, i didn't think i'd see that many boobs in my lifetime." Bill giggles, "Too many boobies."

"Pfft." I chuckle, "I have a question."

"Hit me." Bill shrugs.

I stutter, "After 2006, were you ever asked about me and my whereabouts? Like in interviews or award shows."

"For sure." Bill says, "Mainly in 2007, i was asked all the time where you were and i just said you didn't want to be in the public eye. After a while, people figured out we'd left each other and stopped asking me about it."

"Oh." I say, "Surely, that was a good thing."

"Yeah, but when people used to ask me about you, it reminded me that you actually existed and how much of a beautiful, amazing human being you are. So when i stopped being asked, i always got scared i'd forget you." Bill mumbles, "But i didn't, i never stopped believing. I knew that one day fate would get us back together and that the promise we made would stay."

I smile, "I'm glad you never stopped believing." I say as i place my hand on his thigh, "Because i didn't either."

The car stops carefully and Bill turns to me smiling, "We're here."

I wondered why there was no flashing, no screaming fan girls, i mean i could see everyone waiting outside the restaurant waiting but none of them were coming up to the car.

"Your windows are blacked out." Bill says.
I look at him confused, "huh?"

"They can't see us because your windows are blacked out." Bill giggles, "But the second we step out they'll know."

"Great." I sigh, "Let's get this over and done with." I open my door and step out the car, in presuming Bill did too as i hear people starting calling his name and saw the flashes of cameras.

I walk around the other side of the car and look down as i approach Bill, i feel him lock his hand into mine and guide us into the restaurant.

I feel as the cameras follow our every move, that's so annoying.

Luckily, the restaurant doors weren't that far away from where Bill had parked so we made our way into the dimly light, literally empty room.

There's only a couple people here.

A waiter approached us with a list, "Name please, sir."
Bill smiles, "It's under Kaulitz, some of them might be here already."

"Ah, yes." The waiter points down the tables, "It's just that way-"
But she's soon interrupted by a loud squeal, my eyes shoot across the room and meet with Tom's eyes, he stands there smiling, "Maeve!"

I let go off Bill's hand and push past the waiter, i run up to where Tom is and jump into his arms.

I wrap my arms around his neck and hug him tightly as he takes my feet off the ground hugging me tightly.

I giggle, "I've missed you!"

"Same here!" Tom says as he pulls away from the hug to look at me, "Why did you ever leave?" He puts me back on my feet and we pull away from each other's embrace.

I shrug and sigh, "I wish i knew."

I feel as Bill stands behind me and places his hand on my back, "But she's back now, and ready to stay."

I turn around and look into Bill's eyes before smiling, i go to speak but hear voices from behind me.

"She's back."

"And still looks fabulous!"

I turn around and see Georg with Gustav stood to the side of him, i smile before walking up Georg and wrapping my arms around him, "hey!" I hum as i hug him tight.

I pull away and walk up to Gustav before hugging my arms around him.

He chuckles, "Glad you're back, Mae." He says as he pats my back gently.

I smile as i pull away and turn to everyone, "Can we get a drink now?"





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