The Fool

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I wake up from one of the most uncomfortable sleeps in my life.

One, the beds are not comfortable one bit! Two, my eyes were stinging from all the crying. Three, Bill was in the bunk under me and i'm pretty sure he kicked my bunk a couple times.

Such a child.

I feel someone tapping on my shoulder, I turn over in confusion until i see Gustav face.

I smile as he leans his arms on my bunk, "What's up?"

"So, we're booking into a hotel tonight after our performance and are you okay with being in a room by yourself?"

I smile, "Of course." I say, "By any chance, was Bill kicking my bunk most of the night? Seen as you're in the bottom bunk opposite to Bill."

"The whole night, i had to tell him to stop at one point." Gustav sighs, "What happened last night? With all the shouting?"


"That's none of your business, Gustav." Bill approached my bunk and looked at me, "Just mine and Maeve's."

"Really?!" I sit up and swing my legs over my bunk, "Because last night, i'm pretty sure even the bus driver heard you shouting."

"Don't start this, Maeve." He rolls his eyes.

I jump down from my bunk, "I'm the one who started it?! Really?" I scoff, "Because last time i checked, you kissed ME, not the other way round."

Tom pops his head out from his bunk, "Will you to quit?! I'm trying to sleep here."

"SHUT UP, TOM!" Me and Bill shout at the same time.

I turn back to Bill, "Not to mention, but kicking my bunk like a two year old throughout the night is a bit petty, don't you think?!"

"Stop dodging me, Maeve!"

I turn around to him, "Suck my dick." I say before running down the stairs.

I hear him follow behind me, "You're the child here, Maeve."

"Oh really?" I say as i walk to the little kitchen to the other side of the table in the bus.

Bill grabs my arm and turn me to him, "You are!"

"Go away, Bill." I try and shove him off me but he grips his other hand onto my other arm. He brings me close to him and shouts, "Stop rejecting me! I love you, Maeve."

I look into his eyes where his eyeshadow is smudged from crying so much and immediately feel bad for him, i can see he's in pain.

I place my hand on the side of his face, "We'll talk about it tonight."

He shoves me slightly, "I've had enough of you babying me." Bill walks back to the stairs and up them.

"Make your mind up!" I shout as he walks away.

I sigh and turn around to the table we were all sat at last night, the monopoly board is still out as Tom refused to clean up his defeat.

I sit my body down and watch out the window as we travel down the streets and cities.

I grab my phone from my pocket and read all my unread messages.

1 voice mail from: Dad 🤘🏽

1 voice mail from: Macy ⭐️

1 message from: Shit-for-brains (Tiff)

I listen to my dad's message first as i know his words are going to bite at me.

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