A Years Difference

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1 year later, 2006.

Today marks the day i was taken away from my hotel room, 1 year ago.

And a lot has happened since then.

About three months after i came back, Macy got diagnosed with an illness and couldn't move into our house.

So now, instead of doing home schooling with her, i basically help look after her now. Like a caregiver.
I do stuff for her, like do her shopping, do her washing, help clean her house, etc.
Dad made me do it as he doesn't want to lose Macy like he lost mine and Tiff's mother.

Surprisingly after i came back, i wasn't grounded! I had my phone taken of me and lost all contact with everyone since, but mainly Bill.

Dad thought if he took my phone off me, i'd forget about Bill. I pretend i have but deep down, i still love him and think about him everyday.

Tiff thought that id never forgive her for giving away what hotel i was staying at, but since my disappearance she has been my best friend.

However, her and Theo broke up because he cheated on Tiff multiple times and didn't think she'd find out.
Oh how he was wrong.

But basically ever since i came back, i've had to stay at home and the only times i go out is when i have to go get Macy's shopping because Dad is too busy with work to do it himself.

He's always too busy for anything, and he calls himself a father.


I sit at my desk in my room and do some work, even though Macy can't homeschool me anymore i still do the work.

I also let Tiff stay in my room and lay on my bed as i do my work as me and her have grown a serious bond.

The first three months of being back were the worst, i was crying everyday and not eating. Tiff would stay with me and hold me as i cried my eyes out, she would make me food and leave it in my room for me to eat but i never did.

But since then, i've gotten a lot better.

"Oh my god, Maeve! We should get a takeaway tonight." Tiff exclaims.

I turn around to her, "Oo, depends which one."
"What about that burger place in town? I can order from there." Tiff says as she sits up from my bed.

I gasp, "Yes, amazing idea!"

"What's an amazing idea?" Comes a chuckle from my bedroom door. I turn to the door and see my dad stood there with a smile on his face.

I smile back, "We were talking about getting a takeaway from the burger place in town for tonight."

"Oo, good idea!" Dad exclaims, "I'll pay under one condition."

"What's that?" I hum.

Dad breathes through his teeth, "Will you go get Macy's shopping for me? I'm really caught up with work."

I roll my eyes, "Of course."

Dad walks into the room and up to me, "Since you've been amazing helping out with Macy, i think you deserve this back." Dad holds out something infront of me.

"My phone?!" I exclaim, "Oh my god, thank you!"
I stand up from my desk and hug my dad tight as i take the phone in my hands.

"I even charged it all up for you." He chuckles, "But no contacting anyone, except me and Tiff, okay?" Dad says as he pulls away.

I chuckle, "Who else would i contact?"

"That's my girl." He turns around to walk out the room, "Tiff, i'll transfer you some money for later and Maeve, i'll transfer you some money for the shopping."

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