"I Was, What?!"

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My body wakes up.

My eyes blinded by the hospital lights, my head dizzy from all the noises of the machines and a buzzing noise rings through my ears.

Wait, i didn't die?

My blurry vision soon adjusts as i look at the clock in the hospital room, 3:27 am??

Hold on, how long have i been out for?!

I look to the side of my bed, where i see Bill peacefully sleeping on a blow-up mattress as small snores leave his mouth.

My eyes well up as i think to myself, he was probably the one who found me on the bathroom floor, dead.

I hold my breath slightly as i look down at my bandaged up wrists getting flashbacks from that night.

I hear the hospital room door open quietly and in comes a nurse, late 30s with her hair tied back in a bun as she wears blue scrubs.

She smiles as she looks up from her clipboard, "Good morning, Maeve."

No words come out, i cant seem to form a

"Don't speak, you're probably still in shock." She says as she walks up to my bed, "I'm Nurse Powell, but call me Sophie." Sophie smiles, "And i'm sure Bill here will be very happy when you wake up."

I stutter, "I, i don't t, think s, so."

Sophie places her clipboard down on the bed and looks at me, "Why's that, sweetie?"

"He didn't s, seem too h, happy to see me b, before i did w, what i did." I stutter.

Sophie places her hand on my non bandaged wrist, "He hasn't left your side since you've been here, he's refused to go home." She reassures me, "Trust me, that boy loves you."

I feel as my eyes well up, "How long have i been here?" I managed to string a sentence together.

"2 days." Sophie says softly, "You've been out for 2 days."

"Oh." I say defeated.

"Now, i'm sure you know PC Skys." Sophie says, "As soon as i leave this room, i'll have to call him and he'll have to come in to question you, okay?"

She sighs, "I know it seems a lot seen as you've woken up, but it's protocol."

"That's fine." I shrug, "When do you think he'll wake up?" I say as i look at Bill.

"He went out about.." Sophie looks at her watch, "Five-ish hours ago, so it's hard to say." A sudden buzz of someone's phone rings throughout the room, Sophie reaches into her pocket, "It's my pagers, sorry about this."

I smile, "That's fine."

She places the phone up to her ear, "This is Nurse
Powell speaking." Sophie listens into the phone, "Yes, i'm with here right now." She says, "You got her blood results back? You didn't have to call me for that, you could have put it in the paperwork-" She stops speaking suddenly, "Oh my, i'm on my way." Sophie places the phone back in my pocket and grabs her clipboard.

"What's wrong with my blood?" I ask.

Sophie stutters, "I'll tell you later, i need to phone PC Skys!" She runs out of the room and shuts the door behind her.

Hm, weird.


Bill's pov

I start to stir around from my sleep as i hear voices.

"Ah, this is where it gets funny!"

That's obviously Tom, but who could he be talking to.

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