It Wasn't Your Fault

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"It wasn't your fault."

Echos through my ears as i try to sleep.

"It wasn't your fault."

I mumble, "hm."

"It wasn't your fault."

My eyes slowly flutter open, as i cant get to damn sleep with those words playing through my head.

I sit up in the uncomfortable chair i had fallen asleep on and sit up, i look over at Mae's bed and see Tiff laying beside her, holding Mae in her arms.

"Morning sleepyhead." Tiff giggles, "You talk a lot in your sleep."

"Yeah, whatever." I smile, "Did the other come?"

"Nope." Tiff shrugs, "They never arrived, but anyway! I'm getting a drink, want one?"

"Huh." I say, "Weird." I say as i reach into my pocket for my phone and go to my contacts, "Oh, and no, but thank you."

Tiff smiles as she walks out the room.

I press on Tom's name and place the phone up to my ear.



"hello?" Answers a very sleepy Tom.

"Hello?! Where are you, guys?" I say annoyed from the lack of sleep i had.


Tom's pov

I wake up from the feeling of my phone buzzing in my pocket, i look around for a second and realise i'm still in the front room of my house.

I see Georg and Gustav in a deep sleep on the sofa as well, i yawn tiredly as i take my phone out of my pocket.

Call incoming from: Beel 😝

What does he want now?

"Hello?" I answer.

"Hello?! Where are you, guys?"

"What?" I say confused, "What do you mean- oh shit." I had suddenly remembered what had happened last night.

I remember Bill texting me last night to get to the hospital as something had happened to Mae, but me, Georg and Gustav must have all fallen asleep. 

Bill didn't exactly tell me what had happened, he was a mess last night.

"Shit! I'm so sorry!" I exclaim, "We all fell asleep."

"That's okay." Bill sighs, "Just get here, please." He stutters, "I need a shoulder to cry on." He cries.

"Oh, Bill." I sigh, "What happened?"

"She took a shit ton of pills and cut her wrists." Bill sobs, "Please just get here."

I slightly gasp, "I'll be there as soon as i can, okay? Just hold on."

"Thank you, Tom."

I smile, "Any day, little bro."
Bill hangs up the phone abruptly.

I turn to Georg, "Hey, wake up." I say as i shake him.

Georg slowly fluttered his eyes open, "hm?"
"Maeve's in the hospital." I say as i sit up, "Wake up Gustav, i'll go get the car ready."

"Wait, what?!" Georg exclaimed, "Why is she in the hospital?!"

"I'll explain on the way there, we just need to get there for Bill, okay?!" I say, "He needs us."

Bill's pov

I put the phone down and sob, i lean forward and put my head in my hands.

I cry, "Why, Mae?" I look up at her lying on the bed.

I stand up and walk up to the bed, i place my hand ontop of hers and place my hand on her forehead as she sleeps.

"Why didn't you just come to me?" I sob, "We could have gotten through this together, just us against the world."

I bite my lip to hold my tears back, "Don't leave me, my love." I gently rub my thumb of her forehead, "We still have a future together to live and cherish!" I lean forward and plant a kiss on her forehead.

I pull away and notice something, a tear dropping down her face.

I sigh, "Oh, Mae." I sob, "You can hear me? Everything i said, i meant!" I say, "I can't wait to live a future with you, have multiple children with you, get married to you, god i can't wait! And we don't even have to have children, we can just get a bunch of cats and dogs so you can be the crazy cat lady and i can be the crazy dog man!"

I chuckle, "I can't wait for all of it, my love." I say as i wipe the tear that once fell down her face, "We're going to be okay, me and you. We're going to be just fine."

I smile as i run my hand across her forehead, but the sudden noise of the door opening makes me look up.

In comes a woman, maybe in her late 30s early 40s, with her brown hair slicked back in a bun as she wears blue scrubs.

She looks up and smiles at me, "Ah, you must be Bill! PC Skys has told me a lot about you."

"Wait, he's here?" I say softly, "Oh."

"Enough about him." She smiles, "I'm Nurse Powell, but please call me Sophie." Sophie walks up to the bed with the chart in her hands, "Now, Ms Lems here should be waking up soon."

My world lights up, "When?!"

"Between now and.." Sophie looks at her watch, "the next 48 hours, there would be no reason for her not to wake up in that time."

"And if she doesn't?" I say quietly.

She sighs, "There's a chance she never will."
"Oh." My stomach drops, "But that's not likely to happen?"

"It's like a 0.01% chance of that happening." She explains, "So, no! It's not likely to happen at all, but we still have to do blood tests and all that to make sure all the pills have been flushed out of her system."

I nod, "That's a sigh of relief."

"Anyone else coming?" Sophie asks politely.

I smile, "My brother and our two friends."

Nurse Sophie examines me with her eyes, "You look oddly familiar, do i know you?"

I huff, "I get that all the time." I say, "But that's a story for another time."

She shrugs, "Well, i'm here a LOT! So when you feel ready, come find me!" She smiles, "It was nice meeting you, Bill."

"You too." I smile as she walks off looking down at her chart.

Sophie walks out the room and holds the door open for someone, in comes Tom rushing in.

He looks at me before rushing up to me, he wraps his arms around me tightly giving me a bear hug and holding me close.

I chuckle, "Tom, i need to breathe."

"Yeah, sorry." Tom says worried as he pulls away and looks at Mae, "I, um, don't know what to say." He stutters, "She was fine when we said goodbye to her last night, well not fine but she didn't seem like she was going to do anything."

"None of us would've known she was going to do that." I say, "hey, where are the other two?"

"Uh.." Tom thinks, "Gustav went to get coffee and Georg went to talk to Tiff, for some reason."

I giggle, "Do you wanna know something?"

"What?" Tom hums.

"Georg and Tiff have been hooking up secretly." I giggle out.

Tom's jaw dropped, "You're joking me?!"


"Damn it!" Tom groans, "Well, that's ruined my opportunity with Tiff."

"You do know Mae can hear everything we're saying, right?" I chuckle.

Tom's face drops, "I didn't say that."
I roll my eyes, "Yeah, sure."

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