Shower Thoughts

80 6 1

8:45 am

I woke up from my sleep as the sun beams in from my window, i flutter my eyes completely open and turn my body over.

My smile grows wide as i see how adorable Bill is when he sleeps. His hair all messy, how beautiful his looks without any makeup on and how tiny little snores leave his mouth as he breathes gently.

As much as i loved admiring him, i realised i need to shower as i'm going for that award show tonight with Bill and the others.

I gently get out of bed, not wanting to wake Bill up or anything.

I swing my legs over the bed and stand up, i creep to the other side of my room to the connected bathroom where i quickly open the door and leave it ajar.

I huff as i walk up to the shower and open the shower curtain, i reach for the dial and turn the shower on when i suddenly remembered, I need to tell Julie and Phil about the party tonight!

I groan in annoyance as i turn around and walk out the bathroom, i walk up to my door and open it.

I walk out my room and slam the door behind me, I hope i didn't wake Bill up.

Who am i kidding, Bill can sleep through a literal war.

I quickly rush down the stairs and walk into the kitchen, where i see Phil sat at the dining table eating breakfast.

He smiles, "How'd you sleep?"

"Must admit, the bed is comfortable as!" I smile, "Where's Julie?"

"Still sleeping." Phil chuckles, "Why ask?"

"I was wondering if you'd let me go to a party tonight.." I look down at my feet, "If that's okay." I mumble, as Dad would never let me go to parties.

Phil chuckles, "Of course you can! Go be a teenager and have fun."

"Omg! Thank you!" I exclaim and stamp my feet in excitement before running off back to the stairs, i run up them quickly with excitement in my step.

I throw myself into the door and slightly gasp at the sight, where's Bill?

He's not in my bed, all i can hear is the shower i turned on a minute ago. I shut the door and hear slight a humming voice coming from the bathroom, is that Bill?

Did he get in my shower?!
Well, i'm not complaining.

I smile to myself as i walk up to the connected bathroom door and listen to Bill as he sings happily in the shower.


Bill's pov

I wake up suddenly as Maeve's bedroom door is slammed, i sit up quickly and look around the room.

She's not here, but i can hear the shower running?

I swing my legs over the bed and stand up on my feet, i stretched my arms up in the air and yawned as i walked over to the bathroom that's connected to Maeve's bedroom.

I sleepily throw myself into the bathroom door and question, "Mae?"

No answer.

So, Mae turned the shower on and didn't even get in it??

I shrug, "Might as well." I say to myself.

I stretch my arms up and take my top away from my body, i take off my pants just leaving me in my underwear.

I open the shower curtain and run my hands under the water, "Ahh!" I breathe between my teeth as the hot water burns at my skin.

Jesus, what is it with girls and having boiling hot showers?!

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