Sober Up, Lady.

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I hiccup to myself as i walk into my house, "I'm home!" I giggle out.

Macy walks out the kitchen with a smile on her face, "Hey, how was it?!"

I gulp realising i'm going to have to lie, drunk.

"Yeah!" I stumble, "I sing my song, but i didn't get through to the next round."

"Really?" Macy crosses her arms and her face turns, "So why did Carol, the receptionist, see you walk out with a boy and didn't return for the rest of the day?" She scoffs, "And are you drunk?"

I burp, "No, how dare you accuse me of such things-" I hold my stomach as it gurgles and rumbles, "I'm going to be sick!"

I run up the stairs and to the bathroom.

I kick the door open and bend over to the toilet, i puke up my guts and feel someone stand behind me.

"God girl." Macy says as she holds my hair back, "You've got sober up, lady."

I groan as i hang my head over the toilet, "I'm never drinking beer again."

I flop against the wall next to me and groan again.

Macy hooks her arm onto mine, "Come on, bed."

"Nooo." I groan, "I'm comfortable here."
"Next to the toilet bowl full of your sick?" Macy laughs, "Come on."

"Noo!" I close my eyes, "No!"

Macy grabs her phone from her pocket and speed dials someone.

"Sam, are you almost home?" She says rushed down the phone.

oh great, my father.
She always goes to my father.


"Well your daughter has come home drunk and isn't moving from the toilet!"


"That boy that she was with probably did this, it wouldn't surprise me! He doesn't look like the kind type of boy."

I scoff, "Don't talk about him like that."

Macy rolls her eyes, "Sam, get home quickly." She places the phone in her pocket, "Mae, i'm not wrong! He's got a bad reputation here."

"But you sure to talk to him all the time back at the youth hub."

Macy scoffs, "That doesn't mean i liked him."

"You liar! He loved talking to you."

"Mae!" Macy shouts, "Because that's my job! I never liked the kid, but i had to speak to him because it's my job."

I scoff, "I'm starting to see a side of you that i don't like."

"Get used to it!"

I think for a second, "What's that supposed to mean?"

"I'm moving in!" Macy shouts at me, "Me and your father are in love and i'm moving in!"

I look up at her and immediately feel my eyes tear up, "what?"

"I'm moving in, Mae!"

Tiff steps out from behind Macy, "You're what?"

"MOVING IN!" Macy shouts before storming off downstairs, "AND GET USED TO IT."

"Oh." Tiff looks at me, "Are you drunk?"

"No", I mutter, "Maybe, please help me to my bed."
Tiff laughs before bending down and looping her arm around mine, "Up we get, then." She laughs as she practically picks me up off the floor.

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