Hot mess

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It was a normal day for ICT. Here our Vi is walking towards his room with a jug of cold water to wakeup his sleepyhead best friend.

"ROHIT" he entered the room while shouting his name. Surprisingly Ro was not on the bed. Instead Surya was sitting there.

"Oh Good morning Bhau" He greeted Vi

"Morning Sky. Where is Ro."

"He is in the washroom. I woke him as two of us have to attend a photoshoot later."

"Oh. That brand shoot" Vi said not appreciating the fact that Surya was able to wake Ro.

"You can go and take your breakfast Sky. I will make sure that he is ready on time"

"No need bhau. I'm not that hungry. I can wait"

"Yeah sure " Vi left the room.

Vi couldn't meet Ro rest of the day as he was in the gym when they were leaving.

After the practices and other works. He was resting in their room.

"VIRAT BHAI/BHAIYA" Ishu and Shubi entered the room. Here goes his peace.

"Do you really have to bring tsunami and a thunderstorm everywhere you go." He asked them.

Without paying much attention to his words the two troublemakers settle themselves beside the both sides of Vi.

"Tsunami is going on the internet bhaiya." Shubi said

"Now what happened?"

"Its Ro bhai. Didn't you see his recent photos in insta or twitter? They are all over the internet." Ishu showed him Ros account.

And what to say. The photos are a lit. Ishu swiped the photos. There was a photo which was focused on Ros side view of his face. His jaw looked sharp there. Ant his collarbones were visible as the shirt was half opened from the front.

"Wow I really want to touch his jaw line. It looks sharp."

"Me too" youngsters were drooling over Ro and Vi raise his both hands and hit them on the head at the same time.

"Ouch Bhaiya..." they both screamed

"What bhaiya. Stop drooling over him. He is your adaptive father. "

"Come on bhai don't you want it too. I mean Ro bhai looks like a hot mess here."

"No I don't want to. And you two get out" he sent them out.

"Kids these days."

Even though he said he don't want to touch Ro's face. Here he is at the same spot after two hours asking for it.

"Let me touch it" He asked Ro without a preamble. Ro was wearing the same outfit.

"What ?"

"Your jaw line Ro. Let me touch it. It never seemed this sharp" Ro looked at him like he was speaking in an alien language.

"ROHIT" Vi tried to get his attention

"Yeah yeah you can. No need to ask"

Vi went near him and kept his hand on Ro's face. He move his hand along with his jaw line. He didn't stop there and traced his fingers under his chin, over his adam's apple and moved down to his chest.
Ro caught his hand and shake his head no. With that Vi came out of the trance.

"I'm sorry Ro lets go to take dinner. You can shower later."

"You go first. I will join"

Vi left the room while blaming to himself

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