Be mine forever

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It was hard for Virat

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It was hard for Virat. He just stepped down from captaincy. To make things awkward BCCI decided you appoint Ro as the new captain. Vi was more than happy. But the thing is, he feels like he is loosing his best friend day by day.
Ro also frlt like he is not giving time for Vi like he used to.

"Vi Lets go out today " Ro suggested

"Do you have time for that Ro. I mean its ok " Vi also wanted to spend some time with Ro

"Come on I have time for you "

Just then he got a call from coach. Ro didn’t pick up.

"Its ok Ro. I understand. I’ve been there before you. Lets catch up later "

But that later didn’t come as Ro was busy for few days. Endless meetings, practices. He had to spend most of his time with Rah as he is the vice.

"Ro, take a break sometimes " Rah complained him

"If I take break now. I will not have time to spend with my friends later "

"Now that I think about it. We don’t need to make silly excuses to meet each other Ro. No one suspect us now " Rah said without thinking much

Ro stopped what he was doing

"The hell Rah, you make it sound like we are two teenagers who are in a secret affair "

"Eww no. You are the one who is sick in love with your bestie and whining for his love. Glad I only know this. " Rah act like gagging.

"I need to tell this to him soon Rah "

"You are telling this for like months. "

Ro was preparing himself for the confession. He unknowingly ignored Vi. On the other hand Vi took every signal wrong. He thought Ro doesn’t need him anymore. He started to stay away from Ro.

"Vi why are you ignoring me ?" Ro finally asked him

"I’m making it easier for you. Now you don’t need to do hide and seek with me "

"Its not like that Vi. I’m working on something. I need time " Ro avoided Vi

"What’s all this Ro. Why are we like this. Why are you like this. Am I not important to you Ro. Tell me "

"Vi you are making it big. There is nothing. I was busy with matches. Its new for me. I need to adopt into things "

"The day you became the captain, I lost my best friend " Vi left the room

"How should I tell you Vi. You have lost your best friend even before that " Ro sighed.

Next day Ro got a message from one of his closest media friend. He didn’t have much time to spare. Squad will be announced in the evening. He went to see Rah.

"Are you sure Ro. I mean do you trust the information ?"

"They are trying to frame Vi. I cant risk it Rah. This will ruin him " Ro was a mess

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